Degree Requirements and Academic Policies

- Degree Requirements
- The Core Requirements
- Guide to Course Scheduling
- Transfer Credit Policy
- Academic Advising and Policies
- Academic Standards
- Graduate and Professional Preparation
- Student Leadership
- Honor Societies
1. Degree Requirements
Graduation and the awarding of a Bachelor’s degree from the McDonough School of Business is dependent upon satisfactory completion of the following University and School requirements:
- A minimum of 120 semester hours; 60 credits must be completed at Georgetown University with at least four semesters in residence excluding summer terms;
- A final cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher;
- Completion of the University Core requirements;
- Completion of the Liberal Arts Core or BSBGA Core/IBLC Core requirements; (BSBGA core only applies to students pursuing Bachelor of Science in Business & Global Affairs degree and the IBLC Core only applies to students pursuing Bachelor of Science in International Business, Language and Culture degree.)
- Completion of McDonough’s Business Core requirements; (BSBA degree students only)
- Selection and completion of a major and its listed requirements.
Additional requirements for specific majors can be found under the specific degree programs page.
The final transcript of graduates includes the listing of all majors and minors, as well as final GPA*. Once a degree is conferred, additional coursework taken as a special student at Georgetown or elsewhere may not be applied to an incomplete major or minor.
2. The Core Requirements
The University, Liberal Arts and Business Core requirements are as follows:
University Core | Required Courses |
WRIT-1150: Writing and Culture | 1 course |
Integrated Writing-Business course | 1 course (overlay requirement) |
Humanities, Arts, Literature and Culture (HALC) – must be taken at Georgetown | 1 course |
Philosophy, Ethics (STRT-2101 fulfills Ethics requirement) | 2 courses |
Theology and Religious Studies | 2 courses |
Science for All – must be taken at Georgetown | 1 course |
Quantitative Reasoning and Data Literacy (e.g. ACCT 2101 fulfills this requirement) | 1 course |
Pathways to Social Justice | 3 courses – 1 credit required course (UNXD 1200: Race, Power and Justice at Georgetown) and two overlay course requirement |
Liberal Arts Core for BSBA students | Required Courses |
Economics | 2 courses |
Mathematics (Calculus I) | 1 course |
History/Government | 2 courses |
Liberal Arts Electives | 21 credits (normally 7 three credit courses) |
Business Core for BSBA students | Required Courses |
ACCT-1101: Introduction to Financial Accounting & ACCT-2101: Management Accounting for Decision Making | 2 courses |
ACCT-1181: Business Law I or STRT-2265: Business/Government Relations or BGAF-1001: Global Markets and Politics | 1 course |
OPAN-1101: Computational Business Modeling | (1 credit) |
OPAN-2101: Business Statistics (students with AP Stat credit or STAT coursework from prior schools will take OPAN-2102 instead) | 1 course |
MARK-1101: Principles of Marketing | 1 course |
MGMT-1101: Management and Organizational Behavior | 1 course |
STRT-2101: Ethical Values of Business | 1 course |
FINC-2101: Business Financial Management | 1 course |
OPAN-2201: Modeling Analytics | 1 course |
OPAN-3101: Operations Management | 1 course |
STRT-3101: Strategic Management | 1 course |
The University Core
The Georgetown University Core Curriculum is the common experience across the University. These requirements are interpreted and carried out differently across the schools. The requirements are fulfilled by McDonough School of Business in the following ways:
Writing Requirements
WRIT-1150: Every Georgetown student will take one writing course, WRIT-1150: Writing and Culture Seminar, that provides students with opportunities to connect their writing with critical reading and thinking, inquiry, and analysis. The Writing and Culture Seminar approaches writing through three interrelated frameworks: writing as a tool for inquiry, writing as a process, and practice writing in different rhetorical situations. Each section focuses on a cultural theme, with readings and assignments that engage students with compelling questions and problems. Seminar readings provide texts for analysis as well as models and motives for student writing. Students are encouraged to complete this course during their first year at Georgetown.
Integrated Writing: The Integrated Writing requirement is completed as part of the major. Integrated Writing courses focus on writing styles that are specific to the discipline, including, in many cases, translating expert knowledge for non-expert audiences. Students in the McDonough School of Business may satisfy this requirement by enrolling in a BADM-1101: First Year Seminar, BADM 2099: Intro to Research in Business, BADM-4090: Global Business Experience, BADM-4998: Senior Thesis I, MGMT-3231: Meditation and Leadership, STRT-3255: Moral Foundations of a Market Society, business communication courses, or designated major courses. Students taking a business communications course who are pursuing a Management or an International Business major may be able to use this course towards their major as well as the Integrated Writing requirement, as this is considered an overlay requirement.
Humanities: Art, Literature, and Culture
Every Georgetown student will take one course in the Humanities, Art, Literature, and Culture. The Cultural Humanities and Arts focus on the critical study of creative works and the creative exploration of critical ideas. The Cultural Humanities and Arts enable students to analyze the complexities of their own world and better understand diverse histories and populations. Broadly defined, the Cultural Humanities and Arts is the study of how people imagine, critique, and recreate the human experience in forms of art like literature, performance, music, the visual arts, including film and other media, and language. What links the arts, literature, and culture to the ways the humanities try to understand them? In the broadest sense, these areas of human endeavor all involve imaginative creation, expression, and communication; specifically, the making and sharing of experiences, ideas, beliefs, and emotions in symbolic form. Through humanistic study we come to understand and to contribute to the creative record of our world, explore that record across the meaning systems and values of different cultures, and learn how to think critically and creatively. Such skills facilitate growth in a world marked by ambiguity and change, and are crucial to a richly lived, imagined, and ethical life. HALC courses serve as a launchpad into deeper engagement with the Humanities at Georgetown and prepare students to flourish in a wide array of professional and personal pursuits. HALC courses must be taken at Georgetown.
Philosophy Requirement
To fulfill the philosophy requirement, all students must take two courses: one in general philosophy and one in ethics. All students in the McDonough School of Business will take STRT-2101: Ethical Values of Business to fulfill their ethics requirement during the sophomore year. Please note that seniors are not permitted to take an intro level philosophy or ethics course. Students in the BSBGA major can take PHIL-1900: Political & Social Thought as their general philosophy course.
Theology and Religious Studies Requirement
Two semesters of theology and religious studies are required of all students for graduation. To fulfill this requirement, students may complete any courses offered by the Theology and Religious Studies Department. THEO-1000: The Problem of God or THEO-1100: Introduction to Biblical Literature should be the first theology and religious studies course taken.
Science for All Requirement
The natural science requirement illustrates, in the context of a scientific discipline or disciplines, how scientific understanding is developed, tested, and revised. While the natural science courses may touch on or draw motivation from public policy issues and societal challenges, and should be informed by social contexts, they focus primarily on scientific content, methods, and modes of thought. Overall these courses provide students with a sense of the complexity of natural systems, the volume of evidence that scientists obtain and study, and the breadth and depth of scientific theory and analysis. Courses that satisfy the Natural Science requirement are marked in the Schedule of Classes with the attribute “Core: Science for All.” Students must take the Science for All requirement at Georgetown.
Quantitative Reasoning and Data Literacy
Modern life and social interactions in the 21st century are heavily influenced by data. It permeates every aspect: from our personal lives to our roles as citizens in a democratic society. But data – in and of itself – is meaningless. What transforms data into a powerful tool is the ability to know how to gather, assess and extract meaning from it, and to understand both the utility and the limitations of data. To this end, the importance of data interpretation in contemporary society is difficult to overstate. We believe that a well-rounded liberal science and arts education must provide students with the power to use data in order to communicate cogent arguments about complex phenomena. All BSBA students in the McDonough School of Business will take ACCT-2101: Management Accounting for Decision Making to fulfill their QRDL requirement during the sophomore year.
Pathways to Social Justice Requirement
Georgetown’s Pathways to Social Justice (PSJ) curriculum prepares students to critically analyze historical and contemporary power differentials. A cornerstone of this requirement is the one-credit University Seminar in Race, Power, and Justice, which is designed to ensure that every student at Georgetown develops a baseline vocabulary for discussing racial difference and marginalization. This seminar will provide the foundation for each student’s engagement with other PSJ-attributed “overlay” courses offered across Georgetown’s Main Campus. Starting in Fall 2024, every Georgetown student must take two three-credit PSJ overlay courses prior to graduation.
By fulfilling the Pathways to Social Justice requirement, students will gain a better understanding of how social, political, geographic, economic, and other cultural factors shape experiences of the world, as well as how these factors contribute to marginalization and inequality. PSJ courses will also explore how communities have resisted marginalization, and will focus on axes of identity that have formed the basis for historical and contemporary marginalization and oppression, including race, gender, class, caste, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Liberal Arts Core for BSBA Students
Economics Requirement
The economics requirement is fulfilled by completing ECON-1001: Principles of Microeconomics and ECON-1002: Principles of Macroeconomics. McDonough students with a score of 4 on both Advanced Placement (AP) exams (Micro and Macro) are allowed to take ECON-003 and one additional ECON course (either ECON-2101 or 2102), instead of ECON-1001 and 1002, to complete their six credits of required economics. These courses must be completed by the end of the second year.
For a score of 5 on the Microeconomics AP exam, the student will receive three credits for ECON-1001: Principles of Microeconomics. For a score of 5 on the Macroeconomics AP exam, the student will receive three credits for ECON-1002: Principles of Macroeconomics. Students with a score of 5 on both of the AP exams may proceed to upper level courses and cannot take any of the principle courses (ECON-1001, 1002 and 1003). Students with a score of 5 on only one of the AP exams normally take the opposite principles course. If the student takes ECON-1003: Principles of Economics: Macro and Micro, they will forfeit the AP credit in economics.
Mathematics Requirement
The mathematics requirement is four hours at the calculus level or above and must be completed by the end of the first year. This requirement is satisfied by completing MATH-1350: Calculus I (or MATH-1320: Calculus with Review B if a student took MATH-1310: Calculus with Review A). Adequate preparation for a calculus course normally requires four years of high school mathematics, including one-half year of trigonometry. A placement exam is required before registering for this requirement. If a student places into MATH-1310: Calculus with Review A, they would complete this course in the fall and register for MATH-1320: Calculus with Review B in the spring. Calculus with Review A will fulfill one liberal arts elective requirement.
History/Government/Classics/INAF Requirement
Students may choose any two introductory courses from the Departments of Government, History or choose from among certain history-based classics (offered by the Classics Department) and International Affairs (INAF) courses. Any classics or INAF course taken to fulfill this requirement must be approved by the Undergraduate Program Office prior to registration for the course. The course must have sufficient historical content to meet this requirement.
Liberal Arts Electives
The seven electives (or 21 credits) required to complete the liberal arts core may be taken in any liberal arts area offered by the University. Please note: You may only apply up to two ECON courses (beyond the principles level) towards your seven liberal arts electives.
Free Electives
Free electives may be completed in either liberal arts fields or in business studies. Free electives may be completed in either liberal arts fields or in business studies. Only free electives may be taken pass/fail, with a maximum of one course or equivalent*, up to a maximum of six courses or 24 credits over the course of the degree per semester, beginning in the second year.
*NB: For purposes of the pass/fail policy, a course is considered to be 3+ credits. Students may opt to take multiple one- or two-credit elective courses on a pass/fail basis in the same semester, up to a maximum of four credits.
Business Core for BSBA Students
The Business Core is comprised of courses in all the functional areas of business including Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Operation and Analytics, and Strategy. For descriptions of these courses, please see the Schedule of Classes.
3. Guide to Course Scheduling
The normal course load in the McDonough School of Business is five three-credit courses per semester or 15 credits. Special permission is required to take fewer than 12 credits or more than five three-credit courses per semester; students should discuss program implications with the Undergraduate Program Office.
To satisfy the eleven-course business core requirement, all students should complete Introduction to Financial Accounting, Computational Business Modeling, and Business Statistics in the first year. During the second and third years, all students must complete the following: Management Accounting for Decision Making, Ethical Values of Business, Integrated Writing, Business Law (or Business/Government Relations), Management and Organizational Behavior, Principles of Marketing, Modeling Analytics and Business Financial Management. During the third year, students should complete both Strategic Management and Operations Management. In addition to all core requirements, students must complete discipline-specific courses in at least one of the undergraduate business majors.
Withdrawals from a Course
To withdraw from a course, a student must submit an official request to the Undergraduate Program Office through GU Experience. If a student does not complete a course for which the student is registered and from which the student has not officially withdrawn, a failure will be recorded for that course. For information on the withdrawal period for 1.5-credit courses, please refer to the Registrar’s website.
Courses dropped through this withdrawal period will be shown on a student’s record with a ‘W’ grade. No student at any time may withdraw from courses to the point of becoming a part-time student (i.e., registered for fewer than 12 credits) without the permission of the Undergraduate Program Office.
1.5 credit Enrollment and add/drop period
We recommend the following guidelines for students enrolling in 1.5-credit courses:
- Students should take the equivalent of five 3-credit courses or 15 credits, if they want to enroll in one 1.5-credit course. (This will allow them to remain as a full-time student if they drop or withdraw from a course.)
- Students should take the equivalent of four 3-credit courses or 12 credits, if they want to enroll in two 1.5-credit courses. (This will allow them to remain as a full-time student if they drop or withdraw from a course.)
The add/drop period for (modular classes) 1.5-credit courses is viewable on the Registrar’s website.
4. Transfer Credit Policy
Transfer Admissions
External applicants for transfer admission must have completed one semester of at least 12 transferable credit hours prior to being accepted to McDonough. Internal candidates for transfer must have completed one year of study at Georgetown prior to being accepted to McDonough and should have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Students currently enrolled in another school within the University who are interested in transferring should contact the Undergraduate Program Office for more information on the internal transfer admissions process.
Validation of Business Courses
When an external transfer student requests transfer credit for a business course that has been taken at another institution, the student may be asked to validate the course by providing a comprehensive course syllabus including a class schedule of topics and content covered (Please note in some circumstances, assignments, course deliverables, etc. may be needed to assess the class) and/or passing an examination on the subject material covered in the equivalent course(s) at Georgetown (in the case of ACCT coursework). All validation processes are administered through the Undergraduate Program Office and all course syllabus are reviewed by faculty in McDonough or the transfer student coordinators in the Undergraduate Program Office.
With the exception of summer school courses listed in the usual departments of the five undergraduate schools on campus (CAS, SFS, MSB, SOH and SON), McDonough students may not enroll in courses offered through the School of Continuing Studies for its various degrees, certificates and special programs.
Transfer Credit for College Courses Taken Prior to Matriculation
Incoming students who have taken a course(s) at another college or university (including community colleges) during high school may request Georgetown credit (at most 12 credits) provided all of the following guidelines are met:
- the course was taught at an accredited college or university, not at your high school;
- the course was taught by a regular member of the college or university faculty, not a high school instructor given associate status by the college or university;
- the course was open to regular college or university students and was not designed specifically for high school students;
- the course was recorded by the college or university on an official transcript, and would be credited toward that college or university’s degree;
- the course did not count toward fulfillment of a high school graduation requirement;
- the course was taken during junior year in high school or later;
- a grade of “C” or above was earned;
- the course is not a foreign language (Georgetown only accepts pre-matriculation language credit through AP/IB exams paired with a NSO placement exam result and successful completion of a language course at Georgetown).
In addition to meeting all of these guidelines, a copy of the course syllabus (including class schedule) and an official transcript should be forwarded to the Undergraduate Program Office (along with a letter from the student’s high school guidance office verifying the above criteria were met), for review and determination of whether credit will be awarded.
Transfer Credit for Summer Courses Taken Away from Georgetown University
Students must submit requests for non-Georgetown summer school prior to enrollment in the summer course(s), ideally before departing campus at the end of the preceding spring semester. Please note, the total number of credits taken away from Georgetown after matriculation cannot exceed 12 credit hours (generally four three-credit courses).
Though proposed courses do not need to be directly equivalent to existing Georgetown courses to be approved, we do limit our approvals to courses and areas of study contributing to the aims and spirit of a Georgetown liberal arts education. Courses offering non-academic training (paralegal studies, EMT, word processing, etc.) and that prepare students for college work (pre-calculus, expository writing, grammar) are not transferred.
The McDonough School of Business adheres to the certain eligibility and policies regarding study away from Georgetown University as outlined below:
- To be eligible to transfer, coursework must be taken at an accredited college, accepted toward an undergraduate bachelor’s degree at that institution, and represented on that institution’s official transcript.
- All courses must be taken for a grade, and a grade of C or better is required for transfer. Grades earned on courses taken during non-Georgetown summer school are not computed into the Georgetown University GPA and will not appear on the Georgetown University transcript.
- Students are allowed to take a maximum of FOUR (4) pre-approved online courses. Specific guidelines for online courses are listed below.
- In-person classroom courses, credits are evaluated using classroom hours and session calendar. A three credit course must meet for a minimum of 36 hours over 3 weeks. Sessions shorter than three weeks will not be approved. Four credit courses will require additional classroom hours.
- The dates of the non-Georgetown course cannot overlap with days that Georgetown courses are in session (Fall or Spring semesters). Students cannot be enrolled in Fall or Spring semester Georgetown courses and non-Georgetown courses simultaneously.
Policy for Online coursework:
- Provide a current syllabus along with a class schedule (i.e. for the online version of the course in the term in which it will be taken, and prepared by the instructor of record);
- The course must meet for a minimum of 3 weeks, with fixed start and end dates;
- The structure of the online course should approximate 36 contact hours by alternate means;
- Self-paced courses or independent studies will not be approved (just online or any course);
Please note for all courses:
- All language credit at the learning level is subject to the results of a department administered placement exam upon return.
- Students are allowed to take a maximum of FOUR (4) pre-approved university or community college courses outside of Georgetown.
- A maximum of FOUR (4) non-Georgetown summer courses may be transferred to the Georgetown transcript.
- External transfer students may not transfer more than 60 credits to the Georgetown degree (including advanced credits such as AB, IB, 13th year programs as well as study abroad credits).
- Courses at eligible institutions must meet the same and/or similar rigors as a course at Georgetown.
- Students are generally expected to fulfill all major and Business core requirements at Georgetown. If the student is seeking credit for a course to count towards a minor, the student will need to receive permission from the minor department.
- Students attending a university that meets on a quarter system are advised that a five-unit class normally equates to a three credit course at Georgetown University.
- To receive appropriate credit, students must ask the host institution to send an official, signed and sealed transcript to Georgetown at the following address: McDonough School of Business, Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 120, 37th & O Street NW, Washington, DC 20057.
For Non-Georgetown International Summer Courses Study Abroad:
Students who plan to complete courses at universities located outside the United States and aim to transfer the earned credit back to their Georgetown degree must submit an International Travel Authorization Application for review and approval by the International Safety Office. Please allow at least four-weeks prior to your departure for the safety and security review process to be completed. The International Travel Authorization process can be found on the International Safety website.
5. Academic Advising and Policies
Academic Advising
The McDonough School of Business’ advising system is designed to inform students of the many curricular options and programs available to them and to help them in making responsible choices that nurture their intellectual interests. All McDonough undergraduate advising takes place in the Undergraduate Program Office in the Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 120. The students’ advisor provides specific information about the proper sequencing of courses required for their majors, discusses the students’ proposed course selection for registration for each upcoming semester, and serves as a sounding board for exploring various academic options.
During their first year, students are required to schedule a meeting with their assigned advisor to discuss their intellectual interests and academic goals. The purpose of the meeting is for the student and advisor to get to know one another, to discuss how to use MyDegree, the degree audit advising tool, and for the student to learn how to navigate the curriculum as well as academic and campus resources available to them at the University.
Students who enter the McDonough School of Business typically declare their majors in spring of their sophomore year.
During the junior and senior years, students are advised about changes to their academic program, study abroad and transfer credit, tutorial courses, degree completion, commencement, and post-graduation plans.
The Undergraduate Program Office is the central source of information for students regarding academic and administrative affairs. Students should check the McDonough Undergraduate Program website for announcements, information and forms. Students are responsible for checking their University email and their Canvas McDonough Class Page regularly for important academic information.
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs should consult the BSBGA page of this bulletin for advising. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in International Business, Language, and Culture should consult the IBLC page of this bulletin for advising.
Documenting Major(s) and Minor(s)
All students must officially declare their major(s) prior to the end of the spring semester of sophomore year. Students are encouraged to declare potential minors at the same time for planning purposes. Students can declare majors or minors through our online forms which can be found on our Undergraduate Forms page of the McDonough website.
Documenting Major(s) and Minor(s)
All students must officially declare their major(s) prior to the end of the spring semester of sophomore year. Students are encouraged to declare potential minors at the same time for planning purposes. Students can declare majors or minors through our online forms which can be found on our Undergraduate Forms page of the McDonough website.
Declaring a Major
The major areas enable students to achieve a command of one or two of the business disciplines. When students declare their major(s), they are encouraged to be in touch with faculty in their major discipline. This mentor-student relationship is designed to enable students to benefit from faculty expertise in their chosen major. Students are encouraged to seek faculty advice in addition to that provided by the Undergraduate Program Office.
Students may declare a double major, but only a maximum of three credits can be double counted between the two majors. In other words, students must take at least 27 credits total, to successfully complete the requirements of a double major. Students may not pursue a triple major. All students in McDonough are encouraged to discuss major and course selections with their academic advisors, faculty advisors, and career education center advisors.
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs and the Bachelor of Science in International Business, Language, and Culture are not permitted to double major with a major offered through a different degree program. Students should consult with their BSBGA or IBLC advisor for more details.
Declaring a Minor
Students may elect to pursue a minor from among the many departments within the College of Arts & Sciences. Many McDonough students select minors from among the liberal arts offerings. Students seeking a minor should consult with the appropriate department to obtain authorization (if required for certain application-based or special minors) and complete the Minor Declaration Form found on our Undergraduate Forms page of the McDonough website. Please note that if a student is completing two minors in College of Arts & Sciences, a single course may not be applied to both minors. No courses can double count between the two minors. Successful completion of the minor will be noted on the student’s final transcript, together with the major(s). Please note, students may only pursue up to two minors.
Business students can pursue a limited number of certificates in the School of Foreign Service including the Minor in Science, Technology and International Affairs (STIA), minors in the School of Health, and an Entrepreneurship minor in the McDonough School of Business. No more than three credits can double count towards a minor (e.g. Entrepreneurship Minor) in the McDonough School of Business and a McDonough major(s).
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs or the Bachelor of Science in International Business, Language, and Culture (IBLC) who are interested in pursuing a minor should consult with their BSBGA/IBLC advisor for more details.
Credit for ROTC Courses
Business students who participate in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program may receive up to a maximum of 12 credits of Military Science courses applied to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This policy is uniform with regard to Army Military Science offered on the main campus of Georgetown University and Naval Science offered at The George Washington University (and would be applied to Air Force at Howard University in the event there is a degree candidate in McDonough in the future). Courses offered at 3 credits will be applied first, and courses offered at less than 3 credits may be allowed up to the limit of 12 credits total. All 12 credits may contribute to the 120 credits required for the degree.
Academic Regulations
The McDonough School of Business standards are set forth under University Academic Regulations.
Additionally, the McDonough School of Business regulations include the following:
- Students must complete a minimum of six semesters of University study, four of which must be full-time and in residence at Georgetown University. A minimum of 60 credits must be completed in residence at Georgetown University.
- Students are required to complete at least half of the coursework for a major or minor in residence at Georgetown. Transfer credits in excess of half of a major or minor will be counted as free electives toward the degree. Additionally, some departments may set stricter limits on transfer credit and how it may be applied.
- No course can count for more than two requirements (courses cannot triple count for three different specific requirements, excluding liberal and free electives).
- Once matriculated, a student may transfer no more than four (4) non-Georgetown summer school courses to the Georgetown degree (total of 12 credits). Prior approval for such courses must be obtained from the McDonough Undergraduate Program Office. Students may not transfer coursework taken in a fall, winter or spring semester at another institution, other than coursework taken in an approved study abroad program.
- Semesters are defined as fall and spring semesters (not summer).
- Study abroad at GU-Qatar or Villa le Balze counts toward the residency requirement.
- Courses that fulfill requirements for Liberal Arts and University Core Curriculum, Business Core, Major, Minor, Certificate or Fellows programs must be taken for a letter grade.
- Audited courses do not count toward the undergraduate degree.
- Undergraduate students are normally required to be full-time (12 to 17.5 credits). The standard credit cap is set by the University Registrar at 17.5, and students seeking to overload (i.e., 18-20 credits) must submit an overload request form to their advising dean for review and approval. Overloads resulting from e.g. intensive language courses or laboratory requirements are approved regularly. Ordinarily, however, students are limited to a maximum of five courses of three credits or more per semester; requests to take a sixth course of three credits or more will receive additional scrutiny, and when approved will be deferred until all students have had an opportunity to register for classes. First-year students are not permitted to exceed the 17.5 credit limit.
- Seniors who have met all residency requirements may petition to be part-time in the final semester of their senior year only.
- With the exception of summer school courses listed in the usual departments of the five undergraduate schools on campus (CAS, SFS, MSB, SOH and SON), McDonough students may not enroll in courses offered through the School of Continuing Studies for its various degrees, certificates, and special programs.
- Students may not take more than four courses in any one summer at Georgetown. Students are encouraged to take no more than two courses concurrently in the same summer session.
- Any student with more than one incomplete in a given term who is unable to complete his or her work by the first day of class of the next term may not begin new courses without formal review and consent of the Dean’s Office, and may be directed to take a leave of absence.
- Students who have been placed on probation are normally ineligible to receive an incomplete grade.
- Students on an elective leave of absence may not transfer credit for courses taken elsewhere during their leave. In rare circumstances, such as medical leave of absence, and with written approval of the Dean’s Office prior to the leave, students may be allowed to transfer a limited number of credits.
- Students who are suspended or granted a leave of absence are not active students, and are therefore not permitted to reside in University housing, participate in student activities, use University facilities or services, or be on campus except when expressly permitted by the Dean’s Office. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may jeopardize their ability to be reinstated as an active student in the University.
- Students who elect to graduate early are not guaranteed required coursework.
- Students who have completed all degree requirements, are eligible to graduate, and have been cleared by the Undergraduate Program Office will have their degree conferred in the final semester in which all obligations are met.
- Degrees are conferred three times a year: in May, August, and December.
- Commencement Exercises take place once a year, in May. Students graduating in August may participate in the May Commencement exercises preceding or following the conferral of the degree. Students graduating in December may participate in the following May Commencement exercises.
- Any exceptions to standard academic policy will be evaluated by the Academic Standards Committee.
Academic Integrity
See the description of the Georgetown University Undergraduate Honor System in the Academic Regulations section of this Bulletin.
Duplicate Submission of Papers
Any student who wishes to submit a paper, or substantially the same paper, in two (or more) classes must discuss that plan with the concerned faculty members and obtain written approval so that no questions of academic integrity might arise at a later time.
6. Academic Standards
At the conclusion of each semester (including summer), the Academic Standards Committee convenes to review the academic records of all undergraduates in the McDonough School of Business. The Academic Standards Committee is composed of professional staff in the Undergraduate Program Office and is chaired by the Director of Advising. In instances where a student has demonstrated unsatisfactory academic performance, the committee may recommend one of three courses of action: probation, suspension, or dismissal. All decisions are communicated in writing to the student.
Students who fail a course or who earn a semester or cumulative GPA below 2.00 are automatically placed on probation. While on probation, students are expected to maintain a semester GPA of 2.00 as a full-time student in at least 12 credit hours. Students may also be placed on probation for failing to complete a full-time course load (minimum of 12 credits) in two or more semesters. Probationary status is conveyed to the student in writing, but it does not appear on the academic transcript.
Students may be suspended for one or more semesters because of unsatisfactory academic performance. The length of the suspension is determined by the Academic Standards Committee. Students who are suspended may not transfer credits to Georgetown earned elsewhere during the suspension period. Students who are suspended are not active students, and are therefore not permitted to reside in University housing, participate in student activities, use University facilities or services, or be on campus except when expressly permitted by the Dean’s Office. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may jeopardize their ability to be reinstated as an active student in the University. Academic suspensions are communicated in writing and noted on the transcript.
Students may be dismissed from the University because of unsatisfactory academic performance. In cases of dismissal, students are permanently separated from Georgetown. Dismissed students may not register for or attend classes, attempt to complete a Georgetown degree, live in a residence hall, or participate in any activities reserved for students in good standing at Georgetown. Academic dismissal is communicated in writing to the student and noted on the transcript.
Academic Appeals
Students who are either dismissed or suspended may appeal the decision of the Academic Standards Committee to the Senior Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program, who will refer the student to the Board of Academic Appeals. It should be emphasized that the Board of Academic Appeals is an educational hearing board and not a court of law, and an attorney may not appear on behalf of a student during the hearing or appeals process.
Upon notice of suspension or dismissal, the student will be informed of the process for appeal and the deadline to request an appeal hearing in writing. The student’s request must be a written appeal clearly indicating the grounds for possible reconsideration and must be submitted within the specified time limit. All student appeals should be directed to the Senior Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program.
The Board of Academic Appeals shall be appointed by the Vice Deans and consists of three faculty members and a member of the Undergraduate Program Office. No member of the faculty may sit on a board as a voting member if the member:
- has at any time taught the student who is appealing;
- has at any time acted as an advisor to or employer of the student; or
- was a member of the McDonough Academic Standards Committee which made the initial recommendation.
The Board’s purpose is threefold:
- It considers the student’s record in light of the initial decision and accepts any evidence of extenuating circumstances which would warrant the Board to recommend a change in the Academic Standards Committee decision.
- It assures the student an opportunity to appear before an impartial Board composed of members of the faculty.
- The student may then present to the Board evidence which would indicate reasons for the Board to recommend to the Senior Associate Dean a potential change in the initial decision.
The student may be present for the hearing or if because of extraordinary circumstances the student is unable to be present, he or she may present a written summary of the grounds for the appeal. When presenting the appeal to the Board, the student may bring someone for the purpose of moral support. This person must remain silent through the board hearing. The Board will have access to the student’s academic record and his or her written request for an appeal.
The student may be present for all stages of the hearing except for the final deliberation by the Board. The Appeals Board deliberates in closed session. The Board may recommend upholding the Standards Committee’s initial decision or it may recommend a mitigation of the decision by one level, e.g., instead of dismissal, a suspension; instead of suspension, probation. The Appeals Board may not recommend a more severe judgment. The Board’s decision is considered final and is not subject to further appeal. The final decision of the Appeals Board is communicated to the student in writing.
7. Graduate and Professional Preparation
Although the majority of the McDonough School of Business graduates begin their professional careers immediately after graduation, a number of graduates elect further education, generally in law and, after some work experience, in business. McDonough graduates have been highly successful in gaining admission to many of the nation’s top MBA and law programs. Georgetown makes every attempt, through its curriculum and advising system, to provide its students with the best possible preparation for further study.
Pre-Law Preparation
While there is no “pre-law concentration,” the McDonough School of Business curriculum provides an excellent opportunity to develop the analytical, verbal, and writing skills necessary for success in the legal profession. In particular, Federal Income Tax: Individuals, Federal Income Tax: Business Entities and Business Law provide exposure to law and legal analysis. The student’s elective courses also can be used to enroll in relevant courses in other schools of the University. For example, courses in English, government, ethics, and logic, among others, may be taken to round out a stimulating pre-law program.
Students contemplating such programs should consult closely with the advisors in the Undergraduate Program Office, with the “pre-law” faculty advisor in McDonough, and with the “pre-law” advisor at the Cawley Career Education Center.
Students who have achieved high honors should consider applying to the Georgetown University Law Center through the Early Assurance Program. This program allows exceptionally well-qualified students to submit an application to the Law Center during their junior year. The LSAT is not required for application and admission, though students admitted through the Early Assurance Program will be required to submit LSAT scores prior to matriculation. Students not admitted under the Early Assurance Program may apply again through regular admission during the senior year. Interested students should contact the Law Center Office of Admissions for applications and details at the beginning of their junior year.
Pre-Health Preparation
Georgetown offers several programs that prepare students to enter the field of healthcare. The student must take the following prerequisite courses (a full year of each) to be eligible for the pre-health committees’ recommendation:
- Mathematics (One semester of Calculus can be substituted with the appropriate level AP/IB score. One semester of statistics must be taken at Georgetown to meet pre-health committee requirements)
- One semester of Calculus (MATH 1310 and 1320, or MATH 1350, or beyond)
- One semester of Statistics (OPAN 1101/2101 {4cr} is equivalent to MATH 1040 {4cr} and will meet the pre-health statistics requirement; students with AP Statistics credit {2cr} should not take OPAN 1101/2102 {2cr} and instead should forfeit their AP credit and take OPAN 1101/2101 to ensure they have 4cr of statistics at Georgetown)
- General Chemistry I & II (with lab)
- Organic Chemistry I & II (with lab)
- Principles of Physics I & II
- Foundations in Biology I or Human Biology I, and a second biology course with lab (e.g., Foundations in Biology II, Human Biology II, Genetics, Biological Chemistry)
- Biological Chemistry is highly recommended as a students second (or third) biology course, but it is not required
Catherine Vaz (, in the McDonough School of Business, is the pre-health advisor for all McDonough undergraduates. Dr. Mary Beth Connell, in the College of Arts & Sciences, chairs the Georgetown Pre-Health Recommendation Committee. The committee also includes several deans and faculty from the CAS, SOH and the Medical School. Students preparing to enter medical or dental school request the committee recommendation in the spring of the year that they wish to apply. More details about the Pre-Health structure, committee, and process can be found Pre-health website.
Career Advising
The McDonough Career Center works in tandem with the Cawley Career Education Center to provide a continuum of professional and career advising throughout the student’s undergraduate career. The McDonough Career Center works to enhance classroom learning with co-curricular and extracurricular career development activities to help students compete in a variety of industries. This includes programming such as one-on-one coaching, workshops, panels, career treks, and coaching for students pursuing internships and full-time employment. The programming is within the context of Georgetown’s commitment to educating and caring for the whole person – cura personalis – which encourages focus on each student’s unique strengths. Students learn the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to effectively improve the management of organizations.
Assistant Dean Talia Schatz and Assistant Director Ginny Randall lead undergraduate programming for the McDonough Career Center.
8. Student Leadership
There are numerous professional student organizations within the McDonough School of Business that offer students the chance to network with peers and faculty, pursue leadership roles, add depth to their studies, and prepare for careers in business. Information can be found at
The Student Body Government (SBG) for the McDonough School of Business represents the undergraduate student body to the administration and faculty. One elected representative holds a voting position on the School’s Executive Council, while another serves as a voting member on the Undergraduate Curriculum and Standards Committee. SBG’s goals include:
- providing input on co-curricular activities within the School
- developing professional awareness through coordination and assistance to the McDonough School of Business Student Advisory Board (MSAB)
- encouraging students and faculty to collaborate on conferences, seminars, and programs designed to challenge student thought
- acting as a conduit for student feedback via surveys and town hall meetings
The McDonough School of Business Student Advisory Board (MSAB) is the student advisory board that oversees all access to benefits business-affiliated student organizations at Georgetown University. MSAB is an entirely student-run, self-governing entity operating under policies and procedures of the McDonough School of Business Undergraduate Program with the following vision, mission, and goals:
The board’s vision is to support the McDonough School of Business in creating diverse, innovative, and inclusive environments for all students who seek to find professional development and belonging among their peers. By providing guidance and resources to clubs, the board aims to foster learning, career development, leadership, philanthropy, innovation, and camaraderie to positively impact the Georgetown community and greater world.
The board’s mission is to ensure high quality and accessible opportunities for all Georgetown undergraduate students through oversight, training, funding, and guidance. The board supports business-affiliated student organizations that provide peer-to-peer interactions and pre-professional experiences for all University undergraduate students. Concurrently, the board supports students to ensure their open access to impactful events and experiences.
- To support the growth, development, and collaboration between MSB Access to Benefits organizations at Georgetown University
- To set, support, and promote the open-access policies of MSB Access to Benefits organizations
- To support and improve the recruitment and application process for students
- To develop, update, and review standards and guidelines for MSB Access to Benefits organizations
- To develop policies and procedures involving the funding of MSB Access to Benefits organizations
- To approve budgets and audit activities of MSB Access to Benefits organizations
- To grant and terminate organizations’ access to benefits based on the policies provided by this board, the McDonough School of Business, the University, and the legal system
- To review complaints in relation to MSB Access to Benefits organizations and rectify or refer to the appropriate department for resolution
- To uphold and abide by all Federal, Local, University, and McDonough School of Business policies and procedures
9. Honor Societies
Alpha Sigma Nu is the national Jesuit honor society for men and women. Students nominated by the members of the society, approved by the Dean of their School and the President of the University, who have demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship, service, and loyalty to the University are elected to the society in junior and senior years.
The McDonough School of Business has a chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the major national scholastic honor society in the field of business administration that recognizes academic excellence in business studies. Eligibility for selection is restricted to the top three percent of the sophomore class, the top seven percent of the junior class, and the top ten percent of the senior class.
Students who meet the requirements for grade point average may be inducted into a number of special-interest honor societies, such as, Alpha Mu Alpha (National Marketing Honor Society) and Omega Rho (Operation Research and Management Science Honor Society).