College of Arts & Sciences

Cherry blossom tree in front of White Gravenor
Andrew Sobanet

Interim Dean

Apitchaya Reed

Chief of Staff

Sue Lorenson

Vice Dean for Undergraduate Education

Elena Silva

Vice Dean for Faculty & Diversity and Inclusion

Jennifer L. Woolard

Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs

Thomas N. Chiarolanzio

Senior Associate Dean, Director of Advising

Jennifer Munger

Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer

Marlene Canlas

Associate Dean

Mary Beth Connell

Associate Dean and Director of Pre-Health Advising

Bernard J. Cook

Associate Dean

Erin C. Force

Associate Dean

Hall R. (Tad) Howard

Associate Dean for Strategic Integration

Javier Jiménez Westerman

Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Keshia B. Woods

Associate Dean

Stephon Hamell

Assistant Dean

Joseph D. Napolitano

Assistant Dean

Michael T. Parker

Assistant Dean

Stefan N. Zimmers

Assistant Dean

Kelly Cole

Advising Dean

Vanessa R. Corcoran

Advising Dean

Hyun Ji (Sarah) Lim

Advising Dean

Kathryn Wade

Advising Dean

Aia Yousef

Advising Dean

Lucy Chernier

Assistant Director of Pre-Health Advising

Jennifer Ericson

Assistant Director of Pre-Health Advising

History and Mission

Georgetown College, the oldest Catholic college in the United States, was founded in 1789 by John Carroll, Archbishop of Baltimore. A progressive citizen of his time, he firmly believed in the principles of the United States Constitution. He endeavored to establish an academy open to students of every faith, to form young minds and hearts in the classical and Jesuit traditions, and to prepare graduates to lead and serve in the Church and in the newly independent nation.

On March 1, 1815, President James Madison signed the act of Congress which chartered the College of Georgetown. In 1844 Congress approved its incorporation. During the years of the Civil War, Georgetown students fought for the North and South. Later the colors blue and gray were adopted by the College to signify the reunited nation and the sons of Georgetown who had served on both sides in its civil war.

From its founding to the present day the graduates of the College of Arts & Sciences have taken their places in the forefront of almost every human endeavor, as public servants and public leaders. Graduates of the College work in education, government, business, arts and entertainment, law, medicine, and research, shaping the world and serving their communities.

The College provides a liberal education for young women and men who will be called to intellectual, moral, and professional leadership, and fosters in them a commitment to a lifelong quest for truth.

As a Jesuit college, it draws upon a dynamic tradition of education, characterized by an optimistic Christian humanism committed to the assumption of responsibility and action. Accordingly, the College encourages the development of critical and creative powers, respect for tradition and human reason, and an appreciation of life and all its endeavors. It promotes not only the intellectual disciplines but also the search for personal values and convictions that will enable its graduates, throughout their lives, to continue redefining and maturing their thought, and also to continue pursuing the integration of their activities, values, and relations with others. High priority is placed on teaching and on developing a community of learning among its faculty, students, and administrators.

In 1995, the School of Languages and Linguistics joined the College as a degree program under the name of the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics (FLL), recently renamed the Faculty of Literatures, Cultures, and Language Studies (LCL). The mission of the LCL has evolved through the years. In the 1950s, the newly created Institute of Languages and Linguistics reflected the immediate needs of those times, emphasizing language learning for students considering service positions in the diplomatic corps and other government agencies. Later, the Faculty expanded the study of spoken and written languages to focus on the cultural, historical, and political contexts of world languages. Today, the Faculty of Literatures, Cultures, and Language Studies provides immersive and interdisciplinary grounding in a wide range of languages, rooted in literary, cultural, and linguistic studies. True to the fusion of imagination, emotion, and intellect that underlies Jesuit education, the LCL prepares students for success on the international stage and for a lifetime of curiosity and humanist engagement.

The College of Arts & Sciences offers the widest spectrum of courses at the undergraduate level, many of which are also integral to the curriculum of the other undergraduate schools at Georgetown. It also provides most of the faculty for the masters’ and Ph.D. programs. In recent years the College has added majors in African American Studies (now Black Studies); Computer Science, Ethics, and Society; Justice and Peace Studies; and Korean; as well as minors in Medical Humanities; Persian; Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs; and Turkish.

The College of Arts & Sciences has embraced pedagogical innovation, including the integration of technology in the classroom, while remaining committed to the residential educational experience and the work of formation. Emphasizing the strengths of the liberal arts—critical thinking, writing, and creative expression—across a broad spectrum of disciplines, the College prepares students for the twenty-first century by providing grounding in tradition and the most current research methods and knowledge.

The College of Arts & Sciences houses 26 departments and 14 interdisciplinary programs offering over 50 major programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.), as well as over 50 minors open to students in all four undergraduate schools. Students in the College may also pursue many minor and certificate opportunities offered by the other undergraduate schools. Most recently, the College has introduced three new cross-school degree programs: the program in International Business, Language, and Culture (IBLC), a collaboration with the McDonough School of Business that integrates essential elements of the MSB program in international business with a tailored program in one of the existing LCL language majors; the Joint Environment and Sustainability Program (JESP), a program offered jointly by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Earth Commons Institute that leads to a B.S. degree in Environment and Sustainability; and the Joint Program in Public Policy (JPPP), an undergraduate degree program in Public Policy offered jointly by the College of Arts & Sciences and the McCourt School of Public Policy.