Special Programs

- First Year Seminar: International Business, Public Policy, & Society
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good Minor
- Individualized Major
- Georgetown Sustainable Business Fellows
- Special Degree Programs
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Internships
- Global Programs
- Case Competition and Leadership Conferences
- Community Service
- Alumni Mentoring
1. First Year Seminar: International Business, Public Policy, and Society
The First Year Seminar (FYS) is an exciting three credit course (BADM-1101) for first-year business students to explore the nature of scholarship, think about important ideas in business, and foster intellectual and personal growth while adapting to the rigor of college-level courses. The program offers small seminars (approximately 20 students) that create a supportive learning and service community. Throughout the program, students strengthen critical academic reading and writing skills necessary for success in college and explore intellectual links to a variety of business disciplines, including global public policy. FYS is open to McDonough’s first year and sophomore transfer students and fulfills the Integrated Writing requirement as part of the Business Core.
An integral aspect of the FYS course is the Social Impact Consulting Project, which challenges students – organized as teams – to develop strategic business solutions and recommendations for contemporary issues facing a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. Faculty and advanced undergraduates coach each team, and the finalists present their strategic recommendations to executives from the client organization.
During the semester, students in all FYS courses meet multiple times, as a cohort, to hear lectures by external experts and members of faculty at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business, who will illustrate how scholarly research in different fields can inform important questions in international business, public policy, and society. At least one of these lectures will be delivered by the head of the client organization of the program’s Social Impact Consulting Project.
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good Minor
The McDonough School of Business offers a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good for undergraduate students.
In a rapidly changing and highly turbulent global economy, the ability to think creatively, challenge the status quo, and take calculated risks are “must-have” leadership skills. The pace of change and disruption in our world is likely to continue its upward climb, and traditional approaches to problem solving are often inadequate. The minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good provides Georgetown students with the chance to develop critical skills and to apply entrepreneurial concepts and problem-solving tools to become successful changemakers in their chosen area of focus.
The minor is not exclusively for students who want to launch companies – it is designed to prepare students for success in a range of environments where an entrepreneurial mindset is a distinct advantage – including strategy, corporate innovation, and new product development roles. Drawing from Georgetown’s Jesuit tradition, the minor will help students understand how an entrepreneurial mindset can be applied to key social challenges such as economic development, social justice, poverty, diversity, and globalization.
The minor requirements are as follows:
- MGMT-2220: Foundations of Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
- MGMT-2221: Entrepreneurial Changemakers for the Common Good (3 credits)
- Capstone (3 credits) – MGMT-3224: Launching the Venture or MGMT-3225: Growing Entrepreneurial Businesses
- Three Additional Credits from the list below. If a student took MGMT-3224 or MGMT-3225 for their Capstone, it can not double count with the elective requirement.
- ACCT-3103: Accounting and Management Strategy
- ECON-4416: Market Design
- FINC-3101: Corporate Valuation (1.5 credits)
- FINC-3265: Private Equity (1.5 credits)
- FINC-3266: Venture Capital (1.5 credits)
- GBUS-4972: C-Lab: Startup Studio
- GBUS-4492: Law, Business & Entrepreneurship
- MARK-3101: Marketing Intelligence
- MARK-3235: Social & Digital Media Marketing (1.5 credits)
- MARK-3227: Branding
- MGMT-3224: Launching the Venture
- MGMT-3225: Growing Entrepreneurial Businesses
- MGMT-3277: Imagination and Creativity
- OPAN-3243: Intro Bus App Dvlpmt in Python
- OPAN-3244: Mgmt Bus App Dvlpmt in Python
- OPAN-3256: Digital Technologies & Analytics
- OPAN-3271: Environmental Sustainability Operations and Business Models
- STIA-3005: Science Tech in Global Arena
Please note, students will be allowed to count only three credits in the minor toward any McDonough major(s).
3. Georgetown Sustainable Business Fellows
Georgetown undergraduate students have a unique opportunity to join the Sustainable Business Fellows program. The purpose of the program is to equip students with knowledge and practical experience to lead and manage successful businesses with a deep understanding of the complex social, economic, and environmental challenges of the 21st century.
Companies competing in today’s socio-economic context increasingly face new and urgent environmental and societal challenges and opportunities that materially affect their operations and business models. For companies to thrive in the current socio-economic context, executives are aware of the need to anticipate and respond to environmental and social sustainability concerns, while more proactive leaders will incorporate sustainability approaches into their competitive strategies to create value.
Today, companies understand the need to incorporate sustainability approaches into all business activities and functions, including supply chains, product design and innovation, strategy, finance and investor relations, operations, and human resources. Accordingly, companies are developing integrated ESG approaches in response to changing consumer demand, shifting employee interests, increased volatility in supply chains, and greater exposure to public scrutiny in an age of greater transparency facilitated by digital networks and other factors.
Students who complete the Georgetown Sustainable Business Fellows program will be prepared to address these challenges and identify opportunities to create value by making their businesses and industries more sustainable.
The Sustainable Business Fellows Program is designed for and limited to enrolled undergraduate students at Georgetown University. Upperclassmen students apply in fall of their academic year.
Course Requirements *
Students in the program will take a 9 credit sequence of courses to build an understanding of challenges and opportunities related to sustainable business and how to address them. Please note that these courses must be taken for a letter grade.
Core requirements:
- OPAN-3271: Environmentally Sustainable Operations and Business Models
Elective requirements: Must select two courses (6 credits) from the following list: **
- ACCT-3103: Accounting & Management Strategy
- ECON-2675 or 4075: Environmental Economics
- ENST-2290: Environmental Communications
- FINC-3263: Sustainable Investing (1.5 credits)
- GBUS-4444: ESG Investment
- OPAN-3280: Global Supply Chain Management
- STRT-3255: Moral Foundations of a Market Society
- STIA-3182: Energy Finance, Policy & Markets
- STIA-4961: Climate Science & Policy
- WGST-3350: Gender & Sustainability
* This list of courses serves as a guide. It is subject to change and does not represent a guarantee that specific courses will be offered in specific academic terms or entry to these courses. It is suggested that you work with your program advisors to plan accordingly.
** Off-list substitutes for the elective requirements can be approved by the academic director. To inquire whether a course can serve as a substitute for the elective requirements, please contact the academic director for approval before taking the course.
Capstone Requirement
In addition to the 9-credit course sequence, all Fellows will be required to complete a defining capstone project to build upon their experience as a Sustainable Business Fellow. This capstone will allow Fellows to dive deeper into their chosen interest area within the sustainable business field. In particular, the capstone requirement can be completed by pursuing one of the following two options:
- Independent research project or tutorial with a faculty member (at least one credit)
- Seniors thesis or equivalent research deliverable (e.g., an internship deliverable/project)
Each student should submit their capstone proposal to the academic director for approval to ensure it can count towards the capstone requirement.
4. Individualized Major
The academic goals and career objectives of most McDonough School of Business students can typically be met by pursuing one of the seven majors offered in the school, in which case pursuing an Individualized Major is not recommended. The purpose of the Individualized Major is to assist students who have a clear career or professional objective that falls outside of the seven standard majors to pursue a unique academic plan within the McDonough School of Business. Please note, students must declare a primary major (one of the seven majors offered within McDonough) and if approved, the individualized major would become their secondary major.
Individualized Major Application Process
- Students should first explore all seven available majors in McDonough to be certain that their academic and career objectives cannot be achieved through one of those existing options.
- If the student believes the Individualized Major option is a route they want to pursue, they should set up an appointment with their academic dean in McDonough in order to be sure they understand the application criteria and process.
- Students should research the field of study that they intend to propose. This should include interviewing a professional in that field, obtaining curricular program information from other universities that offer a similar program, and speaking with McDonough faculty members about potential opportunities in that field. As students are conducting their research, they will need to find a McDonough faculty sponsor, and then should meet with their faculty sponsor to discuss their research and outline their proposal.
- After the initial meeting with their faculty sponsor, students must create their Individualized Major proposal using the attached application and guidelines. Upon completion, their faculty sponsor must review and sign the proposal in order to be submitted for review by the Faculty Advisory Council.
- The student should submit their completed application and supporting documentation to the Director of Advising in the Undergraduate Program Office, who will then review the application in order to ensure that it is complete.
- Completed applications will then be sent to the Faculty Advisory Council; the Council will use the student’s specific academic and career goals and proposed coursework to determine the appropriateness of an Individualized Major in the chosen area. The Council may approve the proposal in its entirety, request additional information, suggest modifications to the proposal, stipulate specific revisions, or reject the proposal altogether.
- The Director of Advising in the Undergraduate Program Office will communicate the decision of the Faculty Advisory Council to the student. The review process typically takes several weeks, so students should plan to submit no later than the suggested September deadline in junior year.
Individualized Major Criteria and Important Notes:
- McDonough students must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA in order to be eligible to submit an Individualized Major proposal.
- Proposals must be submitted before the end of a student’s first semester of junior year. Students should aim to submit no later than September to allow for adequate time for review by the Faculty Advisory Council.
- Students must declare a primary major (one of the seven majors offered within McDonough) and if approved, the individualized major would become their secondary major.
- Please note that individualized majors that can be achieved through a combination of already existing majors and/or minors in or outside of McDonough will not be approved (i.e. Students may not pursue a coding or computer science-focused individualized major if they are eligible to pursue the COSC minor). In addition, individualized majors must be outside of the field of study of the student’s primary major (i.e. a student may not pursue a ‘Data Science’ individualized major if their primary major is OPAN).
- As part of the application process, students must develop a study proposal for their Individualized Major that includes at least 6 three-credit courses (minimum of 18 credits total), at least 3 courses (9 credits) of which must be taught in McDonough. An Individualized Major proposal will not be approved if it includes more than three courses found in one of the existing McDonough majors. Students are encouraged to build flexibility into their plan of study to allow for both required foundational courses and elective course options (i.e. include language similar to ‘3 of the following 6 elective courses’). Please note that there can be no overlap in coursework between the primary major and the individualized major, only unique coursework.
- Students must find a full-time McDonough faculty member who is willing to serve as a faculty advisor for their Individualized Major.
- All aspects of the Individualized Major application must be completed prior to submission; incomplete applications will not be sent to the Faculty Advisory Council.
- Please note that Individualized Major proposals are approved on a case-by-case basis. Prior approval for a similar proposal in the past does not guarantee approval of a subsequent proposal.
Students applying for an Individualized Major must submit the following to the Director of Advising in order for their application to be considered:
- Completed Application Cover Page
- A Proposal document that includes all of the following components:
- A statement outlining the rationale for wanting to pursue the Individualized Major, the academic value of the proposed major and why existing majors or combinations of majors/minors do not meet its objectives.
- Background research of the field, including similar programs at other colleges/universities.
- Specific plans for how this Individualized Major will be applied to the student’s plans after graduation.
- Proposed coursework (include course numbers, titles, and the course description)-includes at least 6 three-credit courses (minimum of 18 credits total), at least 3 courses (9 credits) of which must be taught in McDonough.
- Rationale for why the student is including each course in their proposal.
- Resume
- Timeline & Plan of Study (Outline the sequence/timing of when the student plans to take each course, keeping in mind prerequisites and courses taught in specific semesters)
- Four Year Academic Plan (Attach a completed graduation plan, incorporating completion of all degree requirements – primary major, Individualized Major, minor [if applicable], Liberal Arts Core, Business Core)
The Individualized Major application process typically takes 10-12 weeks from initial research to receiving the Faculty Advisory Council’s final decision; therefore, it is recommended that students begin the process no later than spring semester of their sophomore year. Not all Individualized Major proposals are approved. Therefore, if a student chooses to take courses in the proposed field of study before receiving approval, the student runs the risk of taking a course that will not fulfill a degree requirement.
5. Special Degree Programs
Accelerated M.S. in Business Analytics and M.S. in Finance Degrees for the B.S. in Business Administration Program
The Accelerated Pathway allows McDonough School of Business students to earn both their undergraduate and Master of Science in Finance (MSF) or Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) degrees within one year of their undergraduate graduation.
Accelerated MSBA Pathway
Qualified undergraduate students who are graduating early in December of their senior year will now have the option to apply for an accelerated pathway to graduate in 4.5 years with their bachelor’s degree and a Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) offered through the McDonough School of Business. The MSBA program is a 16-month, 30-credit online program that starts in August and ends in December. If accepted, students must attend the three-credit opening residency in August before the start of their senior year. In addition, in the fall semester of their senior year, students would register for six more MSBA credits (three credits in Mod 1, and three credits in Mod 2). Tuition for these nine accelerated MSBA course credits is covered under the undergraduate tuition and financial aid package. Then, in January (after an early December graduation), they would continue taking the remainder of their MSBA program (in full and according to the normal MSBA sequence). This pathway is only open to MSB undergraduates at Georgetown University. Georgetown students who have not been admitted to MSBA are not eligible to take graduate courses in that program (unless the classes are explicitly tagged as open for multiple degree programs); spots in graduate courses are reserved solely for students admitted/enrolled in the programs. Students with questions about the MSBA program should contact msba@georgetown.edu.
Accelerated MSF Pathway
Qualified Georgetown University undergraduate students will now have the option to apply for an accelerated pathway to graduate within five years with degrees in BS or BA and Master of Science in Finance (MSF) offered through the McDonough School of Business. The MSF program is a blended online program that starts in August and can be completed in 21 months under one of the Traditional Track options. The program has a week-long in-person Financial Markets Residency (FMR) course in October following the first course in the program (Financial Markets). There is also a required week-long international trip at the end of the Global Consulting Project (GCP) course. At the end of the spring semester of their senior year, students would complete their bachelor’s degree with six MSF course credits jointly counting between their undergraduate degree and the MSF. After this semester, the Accelerated Pathway students will no longer be classified as undergraduate students, and if they have met all the normal requirements, they will receive their bachelor’s degree as scheduled and participate in commencement with their undergraduate class.
Students complete the MSF after they graduate from their undergraduate program (i.e., by the following December or May as noted earlier). The blended online format permits students to take the program from virtually any location except for the in-person FMR and GCP course requirements. Therefore, students who wish to accept a job outside the DMV area following their undergraduate graduation may do so without interrupting the timing of their MSF degree completion.
While this Accelerated Pathway is open to all undergraduates at Georgetown University, it does not apply to non-Georgetown undergraduates. Georgetown students who have not been admitted to MSF or another MSB graduate program are not eligible to take graduate courses in that program unless the classes are explicitly tagged as open for multiple degree programs; spots in graduate courses are reserved solely for students admitted/enrolled in the programs.
Students with questions about the MSBA program should contact msfonline@georgetown.edu.
Five-Year BSBA/MSFS Joint Degree program
The McDonough School of Business and the Graduate School of Georgetown University offer a five-year BSBA/MSFS (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Master of Science in Foreign Service) Program. Typically, third-year students in the McDonough School of Business who have maintained an honors academic average are eligible to apply to the Master of Science in Foreign Service. Successful applicants matriculate fully into the graduate program in the fourth year and receive the BSBA and MSFS degrees simultaneously upon completion of the fifth year of coursework (selected courses must satisfy the divisional and elective requirements of both programs). Admission to the BSBA/MSFS Program is competitive and students must satisfy all published application procedures for the Graduate School and MSFS except the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Applicants must meet with an advisor in the Undergraduate Program Office and a MSFS Admissions staff member prior to submitting an application to determine suitability for the program. These meetings should occur no later than the first semester of the sophomore year.
To be competitive, BSBA students should have a 3.7 cumulative GPA, substantial study abroad experience, work and/or internship experience connected to international affairs, and advanced proficiency in a foreign language.
Columbia Combined Plan Engineering Program
Georgetown University offers a 3-2 Combined Plan Program (CCP) experience in partnership with the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University. Columbia’s program, the first dual-degree engineering program instituted in the United States, is designed to provide students with the opportunity to receive both a BSBA degree from McDonough and a B.S. degree from Columbia Engineering in five years.
Another available option is the 4-2 degree program. This option allows students to finish their BSBA degree requirements at McDonough and then attend Columbia to complete a BS degree in two years. Students follow the same course of study at Georgetown as those completing the 3-2 requirements and both degrees are conferred in the last semester that the student is enrolled at Columbia.
Engineering is not a major at Georgetown. McDonough students interested in the Columbia Combined Plan Program will need to fulfill all of the prerequisites for the Columbia program in addition to their Georgetown requirements and will declare and complete the requirements for their major(s) in the McDonough School of Business. We encourage students interested in pursuing the Columbia 3-2 or 4-2 program to declare their intention to the dean’s office as early as possible to facilitate advising and support of the application process. Students apply to the program by February of their junior or senior year.
Please note, students pursuing CCP are not guaranteed admission to the program. More information on CCP can be found at the CAS Combined Program website.
6. Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Students in the McDonough School of Business have multiple opportunities to engage in research with faculty, including a senior honors thesis, summer undergraduate research, mentored opportunities for research experience, and tutorials. McDonough students have access to additional research opportunities through the Georgetown University Center for Research and Fellowships.
Mentored Opportunities for Research Experience (MORE)
Mentored Opportunities for Research Experience (MORE) offers students the opportunity to have a semi-structured summer research experience supporting a faculty member’s research. MORE fellows provide up to 170 hours of remote work assistance from May to August to support faculty research and, in return, are provided a $3,000 research award. Through one-on-one collaboration with a faculty member on their research projects, students can delve deeply into the evolving nature of scholarly inquiry and acquire hands-on experience executing original research.
Upon completing their research fellowships, MORE fellows present their findings in a forum open to the entire Georgetown community during the Undergraduate Research Symposium in October.
The McDonough Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Each summer, the McDonough Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) offers students the opportunity to conduct independent research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Those selected are required to take Introduction to Research in Business (BADM 2099), a 1.5 credit MOD-B research course in the spring preceding their fellowship. Fellows are awarded $6,000 for their project, which is completed over the summer. Participating in the SURF Program is a unique way for students to conduct original, student-led research on a topic of their choosing. By working one-on-one with a faculty mentor, students learn how to use the research process to inform a real problem.
Upon completion of the research project, students present their findings in a poster session at the annual McDonough Undergraduate Research Symposium and receive a notation on their transcript to indicate their accomplishment.
Senior Honors Thesis Program
The Senior Honors Thesis program provides business students invaluable experience in conducting advanced original research on a topic related to their field of study in which they have a particular interest. Students apply to the program in the spring semester of their junior year and successful applicants take seminar courses during their senior year: BADM-4998: Senior Thesis I (3 credits) in the fall semester, and BADM-4999: Senior Thesis II (1.5 credits) in their spring semester. The seminars support a learning community of student-scholars as they work toward a spring deadline to submit their thesis to their faculty advisors.
Students work closely with faculty mentors throughout the process in framing research questions, managing different methodologies and communicating their findings in a substantial piece of writing. Seniors defend their thesis to a faculty committee in April, and upon successful completion of the Senior Honors Thesis program, students receive a notation on their transcript to reflect their accomplishment.
Please note that BADM-4998: Senior Thesis I will meet the business core Integrated Writing Requirement. In addition, students may be able to count 1.5 credits from the fall course (BADM 4998) and the 1.5 credits from the spring course (BADM 4999) for a total of 3 credits towards a major elective pending the following:
- The senior thesis faculty advisor is a faculty member with expertise in the area of the declared major AND the thesis research is directed towards studies in that major
- It is approved by the appropriate area coordinator for that major
- It is approved by the director of the Undergraduate Research Program
Students whose coursework is ultimately not approved for major elective credit in their major will still be able to count the 4.5 credits towards the 120 credits required for graduation (e.g., free elective credits).
Tutorials will be offered only to sophomores, juniors or seniors in good academic standing. Students may take no more than one tutorial per semester and credits for a tutorial may vary between one and four credits depending on the scope of the tutorial. Tutorials must be approved by the McDonough Undergraduate Program Office and can only count for a free elective, not a curriculum requirement.
Tutorials offer students special opportunities to study subjects that are not part of the regular curriculum. Tutorials should represent an intellectual commitment and workload similar to that required of a normal course of equivalent credit.
Students in the McDonough School of Business interested in setting up a tutorial must meet five conditions:
- The subject of the tutorial is not available as a regular University course
- There is an intellectually compelling reason for studying this subject as part of the undergraduate degree
- A faculty member with the appropriate expertise is available and willing to offer the tutorial
- The Department chair and the Director of the Undergraduate Program, approve the request
- The appropriate paperwork is submitted to the Dean’s Office in a timely fashion (note: forms to request approval for tutorials are available online on the Registrar’s Office website). Tutorials that are taken for elective credit may be taken for a quality grade or on a pass/fail basis. Credits for tutorials cost the same as regular course credits. All the academic regulations governing the regular curriculum are applicable to tutorials.
Tutorials come in two varieties, reading courses and research tutorials:
- Reading courses focus on mastering the scholarly literature on a particular subject. For example, a reading course on the origins of the banking crisis might focus on the major historiographical interpretations of the banking industry as well as on critiques of this literature. The backbone of any reading tutorial is a substantial reading list put together with the help of the supervising professor. The tutorial would meet weekly or biweekly and stress discussion of the readings for that period. A variety of written assignments could be an appropriate means of assessment, including, for example, bibliographical essays, critical reviews, or analyses of one or more problems raised by the literature.
- Research tutorials focus on the collection and analysis of primary materials. Students would develop research questions, and plan and conduct research to test these research questions. Students would also likely conduct extensive academic literature reviews. Students would present their research findings to faculty members to demonstrate knowledge and communication skills at the completion of the tutorial. Depending on the project, the length of final papers and presentation may vary. Research tutorials meet weekly or as the pace of the project demands. The final deliverable may vary in length according to the subject, but a 25-page minimum would be typical for a 3-credit research tutorial.
Please note: the material addressed in both reading courses and research tutorials should be defined in a way that allows you to finish all work for the tutorial by the end of the semester. Incompletes are not routinely granted for tutorials. If more time is required for the completion of the tutorial due to the unique nature of the research, the 3-credit tutorial can be taken across two semesters, where each semester the student would register for a 1.5-credit tutorial. If a student is spreading their tutorial over two semesters, they should expect to produce separate deliverables each semester for their final grade.
7. Internships in Business
Internships permit the student to select a specific area within the field of business to explore outside the classroom. The purpose of an internship is to provide the student with an understanding of how a business actually operates and how business principles are applied. Students may apply for academic credit through one of the following:
- MGMT-4950: This course is available to current or rising juniors and seniors in the McDonough School of Business and is a three-credit seminar which must be taken for a letter grade. Students must be in good academic standing to take MGMT-4950 (minimum GPA of 3.0). To be considered for credit, all internships must be in the field of business and must provide a significant learning experience for the student. Further information and application forms are available online from the Undergraduate Program Office. Students may only enroll in this course once. Please note this course can not count toward the Management major.
- MGMT-2925/3925/4925: This course is offered only pass/fail and is worth one credit. It does not count towards any major but does count toward the 120 credits required for graduation. It is offered both semesters of the academic year and during the summer. Students must be in good academic standing to take MGMT-2925/3925/4925 (minimum GPA of 2.0), and the course is open to any current or rising sophomore, junior, or senior. Students may take these courses once each.
Registration deadlines for the internship class are outlined below:
For Fall: Deadline is October 1st
For Spring: Deadline is February 1st
For Summer: Deadline is June 1st
8. Global Programs
Study Abroad
McDonough School of Business offers numerous global opportunities to ensure student’s global awareness and development, during their time at Georgetown University. All enrolled students are encouraged to participate in designated and approved programs abroad, organized through the McDonough School of Business and Georgetown University’s Office of Global Education (OGE). Students may take advantage of studying abroad during the full academic year, each semester, and each summer. Student athletes and other students with restrictive schedules in the fall and spring semesters are encouraged to apply for one of the summer programs. Students wishing to take advantage of summer abroad opportunities can choose from a wide range of program options and destinations that fit their academic and professional goals. In addition to the many short-term programs offered through the Office of Global Education, McDonough students can also choose from two business-focused programs that are offered for 4 to 5 weeks. Past summer programs have included students studying abroad in Oxford and Barcelona.
Students requiring financial assistance should consult with their study abroad advisor in the Office of Global Education. The Undergraduate Program Office also offers need-based scholarships, for eligible students who are admitted to McDonough’s summer abroad programs and those studying abroad through Georgetown based opportunities.
Descriptions of summer business programs are listed below. For other summer, full-year and semester-based programs you may contact the Office of Global Education or visit: http://studyabroad.georgetown.edu. Study abroad advice and academic planning are available in both the Office of Global Education and the McDonough Undergraduate Program Office.
Summer Programs
Oxford Summer Program
Georgetown University’s Summer Program in Comparative Strategic Management at Oxford University’s Trinity College compares business functions in Great Britain, Western Europe, and the United States. Through this five-week program, participating students typically enroll in STRT-3101: Strategic Management, fulfilling a Business Core requirement for McDonough students and three other credits of business coursework.
Barcelona Summer Program
The Escuela Superior de Administracion y Direccion de Empresas (ESADE) summer program offers Georgetown business students the rare opportunity to study business and government relations and three other credits of business coursework at one of Europe’s most prestigious business schools. This four-week program combines intensive classroom instruction with cultural activities and visits to key organizations that connect theoretical concepts with practical experiences. Students participating in this program take STRT 2265: Business and Government Relations, fulfilling a Business Core requirement and another three credit business course.
Please note: All courses offered through McDonough’s summer abroad programs are subject to change considering curricular updates and enrollment.
Global Business Fellows Program
The Global Business Fellows (GBF) program is a cohort-based initiative designed for McDonough students interested in expanding their understanding of international business and public policy on a macro level. The curriculum also allows students flexibility to choose from one of the available business majors and work with a designated academic adviser to tailor course selection to their individual strengths and interests.
The Global Business Fellows program has three distinctive and inter-related elements: Interdisciplinary Curriculum (select courses at McDonough School of Business and Walsh School of Foreign Service), Global Business Experience, and Public Policy Programming.
Fellows are required to complete the equivalent of an intermediate level language (minimum of 4 semesters when starting at the introductory level) plus the following courses:
- INAF-1000: Maps of the Modern World (1 credit)
- ECON-2543: International Trade (3 credits)
- ECON-2544: International Finance (3 credits)
- Three GBUS courses – 1 required and 2 electives (9 credits)
- BADM-4090: Global Business Experience (3 credit)
Global Business Experience
This program allows students to gain an international perspective, deepen understanding of global business affairs, and learn valuable consulting skills by enrolling in one of the various sections of the BADM-4090: Global Business Experience (GBE) courses. As part of their coursework, students work with a client organization abroad to provide feasible solutions to a challenge facing the organization. This three-credit course, offered in the spring semester, culminates in a major project for which students may travel to the client countries, for one week during spring break or after finals, to meet with the senior management and present their solutions. Please note: For safety, students MUST travel (arrive and depart) with the group. Students may NOT plan their own schedules to and from the destination.
The Global Business Experience is open to McDonough juniors and seniors. Global Business Fellows complete the BADM-4090 course as a capstone project during spring of their senior year and travel to the client’s country as a cohort. Application for this program opens in October of each spring semester. Preference is given to students in the BSBA degree program but not limited to BSBA students. This course must be taken as a letter grade and is not eligible for pass/fail.
Past client partners have included those from Italy, Spain, France, Argentina, Ghana and India.
9. Case Competition and Leadership Conferences
The Undergraduate Program Office recruits, trains and sponsors elite teams of students to participate at various national and international business case competitions. The competitions present challenging business scenarios, requiring students to apply knowledge from all areas of business study and present innovative solutions. The Undergraduate Program Office also hosts the Annual McDonough Business Strategy Challenge (MBSC) international case competition – a student-led non-profit, live case competition that takes place every winter at Georgetown University.
10. Community Service
In the Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person, the McDonough School of Business recognizes the impact that serving the community can have on a student’s development. McDonough strongly encourages students to participate in community service activities, either on their own or through opportunities offered by the University. Students have the option of an additional credit for significant work in the community, if the work is closely tied to a course in which the student is currently enrolled.
11. Alumni Mentoring
There are many opportunities for McDonough students to connect with alumni who have made great strides within their professional fields. Alumni programming for McDonough undergraduates includes Host a Hoya, a one day job shadow opportunity during school break in which students have networked with alumni across the world and across diverse industries. Alumni mentoring is also facilitated through Hoya Gateway, Georgetown’s internal portal that connects students with alumni all over the globe and helps them set up meetings to cultivate connections across disciplines and industries. On Hoya Gateway you can browse by area of expertise, help topics (like industry networking, case interview preparation, resume review and more). In addition, you can find alumni who were also international students or belonged to the same clubs you are affiliated with on campus. Our alumni also host students in connection with the McDonough Career Center for DC area “Fridays in the Field” and national “Treks” to their workplaces, introducing students to fellow Hoyas at their companies for informal networking.