Core Curriculum

The BLA Core curriculum is designed to mirror as closely as possible the core curriculum of the main campus undergraduate programs in the College . As such, the BLA core requirements match those of the University and College Core curricula, with only minor modifications (e.g., an expanded BLA writing curriculum and a slightly modified foreign language requirement).

The BLA Core curriculum consists of 17 required courses, as follows:

  • Three courses (12 credits) in Writing, plus integrated writing requirement in the major*
    • WRIT 1143: Life Writing
    • WRIT 1150: Writing and Culture Seminar
    • One additional course in Writing, with emphases on problem- or project-based strategies, persuasive or professional writing, etc.
  • Two courses in Philosophy
    • PHIL 1902: Philosophy and Intellectual History
    • One PHIL elective 2000+
  • Two courses in Theology and Religious Studies
    • THEO 1000: Problem of God
    • One intermediate THEO elective, 2000-3999
  • Two courses in History
    • HIST 1099: History Focus
    • One survey course from the following list: Intro to Early (1401), Intro to Late (1402), Indian Ocean World (1104), Atlantic World (1106), Pacific World (1107), Africa I (1200), Africa II (1201), South Asia I (1307), Modern South Asia II (1308), Americas I (1501), Latin America I (1503), Latin America II (1504), Middle East I (1601), or Middle East II (1602)
  • One course in Mathematics/Computer Science
    • MATH 1040: Probability and Statistics
  • One course to satisfy the Science For All (SFA) requirement
  • One course in HALC (Humanities: Arts, Literature & Cultures)
  • Two courses in Social Science
    • IDSS 2010 and 2020, Introduction to Interdisciplinary Social Science I and II
  • Three courses/12 credits of foreign language**

In addition to the above requirements, all students are required, as on the main campus, to complete two Engaging Diversity (ED) courses, one with a domestic focus and one with a global focus. Because the ED requirement is an “overlay” requirement, courses satisfying the above core requirements may also fulfill the Engaging Diversity requirement.

NB: Consistent with Georgetown College regulations, a course can fulfill both a core and a major requirement, but no course may fulfill two separate core requirements, with the exception of the ED overlay requirement explained above.

*As in main campus undergraduate programs in the College, the integrated writing requirement is “an intensive writing experience located within the student’s chosen major” designed to “prepare students to use the relevant forms, styles, and conventions of their chosen area(s) of study.” While writing will be integrated throughout all three of the major programs in the BLA degree, the capstone course in each of the major programs will be designated as the course that fulfills the integrated writing requirement.

**Unlike in main campus College undergraduate programs, where the foreign language requirement is a proficiency requirement, and it is possible to place out of the requirement via examination, all students in the BLA program are required to complete 12 credits of foreign language coursework. Languages will be offered in an intensive summer session, and the language(s) offered will vary.