French and Francophone Studies

The Department of French and Francophone Studies offers an A.B. Degree and a minor in French and Francophone Studies.

French and Francophone Studies majors at Georgetown enjoy a number of opportunities that enable them to achieve among the highest levels of linguistic and cultural competency with respect to their peers at other top-tier universities.  After achieving linguistic proficiency, French and Francophone Studies majors develop an in-depth critical appreciation of French and Francophone cultures and literatures; they acquire the tools to analyze and interpret texts; and they continue to refine their linguistic knowledge through the exploration of a rich variety of content areas.  Eligible French and Francophone Studies majors also have the opportunity to write a Senior Honors Thesis, which serves as a capstone for their studies and allows them to consolidate and further refine their research and writing skills.

Students should select appropriate courses in consultation with their advisors and the Director of Undergraduate Studies, particularly with reference to their overall academic and career goals.

Major in French and Francophone Studies

Requirements for the A.B. in French and Francophone Studies

10 French courses (unless lower placement requires additional language study), consisting of:

  • 2 Intensive Advanced (FREN 2011 and 2012)
  • 1 Gateway to Culture/Literature (FREN 3350 or 3351)
  • 7 Upper-Division Electives including at least one from the pre-1800 Literature group, one from the post-1800 Literature group, one from the Culture and Civilization group, and one from the post-advanced Language group (including courses in Linguistics, History/Development of the Language, Performance, and French for Professional Purposes). 

Please note:

  • AP credits count toward the major. See AP section of the Bulletin for details.
  • At least 6 of the 10 required courses have to be taken at Georgetown.
  • FREN 2551, 2761, and 2762 do not count toward the major.
  • A minimum of 4 of the 6 upper-division electives must be at the 4000 level. At least two of these 4000-level courses must be taken at Georgetown. 

Integrated Writing Requirement

Because writing is integrated and emphasized across our curriculum, students will fulfill the integrated Writing Requirement through the fulfillment of major requirements.

Study Abroad Requirement

Majors are normally required to study in a French or Francophone university during their undergraduate years in the context of a one-semester, full-academic year, or intensive summer program. Georgetown offers excellent programs in France and Francophone countries–many of which require direct matriculation and must meet the overseas studies standards and guidelines established by the Office of Global Education

The Department of French and Francophone Studies also sponsors a six-week dual-track summer study program in Tours-Paris: all students complete a two-week culture integration workshop in Tours, following which some students continue language/culture study in Tours and others pursue a politics and business program in Paris. See the Study Abroad section of this Bulletin concerning university regulations and the Study Abroad section of the Department of French and Francophone Studies Website for credit transfer guidelines.

Minor in French and Francophone Studies

Students majoring in other subjects are welcome to minor in French. French minors achieve proficiency in the French language and then further develop their understanding of the French and Francophone world. By complementing their primary fields of study with a minor in French and Francophone Studies, students will bolster their linguistic, cultural, and literary knowledge and further their exploration of the humanities. Students’ enhanced exposure to French and Francophone cultures comes coupled with more refined writing, research, and critical thinking abilities. 

Requirements for the Minor

Students minoring in French and Francophone Studies must take a total of six classes, beginning at the Intermediate Level or above, including a Gateway course (3350 or 3351).

Following the Advanced Level, the typical progression to the minor is as follows: students completing (non-intensive) FREN 2002 will take FREN 2551 before enrolling in Gateway 3350 or 3351; students completing (intensive) FREN 2012 will enroll directly in Gateway 3350 or 3351.

Additional notes:

  • AP credits count toward the minor. See AP section of the Bulletin for details.
  • At least four of the six required courses have to be taken at Georgetown.
  • Either FREN 2761 or FREN 2762 (but not both) may count for minor credit.

Please click here to see our Guidelines for Credit Transfer from Study Abroad

The E. Joseph McCarthy Scholarships

These awards have been established to support overseas study or internship experiences for Georgetown students.  All awards are based on need and merit.

Semester or Academic Year Abroad:

For French and Francophone Studies majors and minors only.  These scholarships support students enrolled in a GU study abroad program in France or another Francophone country.  Eligible French majors may receive up to $6,000 in scholarship support and eligible French minors up to $4,000.

Summer Study Abroad in Tours and Tours/Paris:

For all undergraduate students enrolled in Georgetown French and Francophone Studies courses.  Eligible applicants will be awarded scholarships of up to $2,500 for the GU summer programs in Tours and Tours/Paris.

John Carroll Summer Internships in Saint-Omer:

For all undergraduate students enrolled in Georgetown French and Francophone Studies courses.  Eligible applicants will receive up to $1,500 of support for travel expenses related to the John Carroll Saint-Omer Internship program.

If you have questions, please contact Prof. Paul Young, Chair of the E. Joseph McCarthy Committee, at Please see the E.Joseph McCarthy Scholarships for Overseas Study  for application forms and complete information.

European Studies Certificate

See the European Studies Certificate section in the Bulletin.

African Studies Certificate

See the African Studies Certificate section in the Bulletin.