Women’s and Gender Studies

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program offers a major and a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies. 

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program provides an interdisciplinary, critical, and cross-cultural exploration of the issues related to women’s rights, sex rights, and gender justice, in the global context. Focusing on the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality, Women’s and Gender Studies fosters the generation of knowledge about human subjects in all their gender and sexual diversity, and encourages the critical interrogation of traditional academic disciplines.

Using cross-cultural and transnational perspectives, the program pursues the exploration of:

  • women’s lives, labor, and arts
  • structural violence, social justice, and gender activism in the global context
  • the politics of sexuality
  • the intersectional and historical meanings of gender
  • the history of gender roles and performances
  • representations of various genders in different media
  • the impact of gendered analysis on the sciences
  • the gendered formation of knowledge

The Women’s and Gender Studies program encourages its majors and minors to engage in community service, either independently or through Community-Based Learning courses. 

Georgetown College offers both a major and a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies, and the School of Foreign Service offers a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies.  Interested students should contact the Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies program, Professor Nadia Brown, or the Associate Director of the program, Professor You-me Park, as early as possible in their sophomore year to plan a program of study.

Major in Women’s and Gender Studies

The major in Women’s and Gender Studies requires a total of eleven courses. In addition to the three foundational courses (either Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies or Introduction to Sexuality Studies, either Feminist Theory 1 or 2, and Women’s and Gender Studies Senior Capstone), students must take eight additional electives.

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program offers five areas of concentration: Globalization and Poverty, Social Justice and Violence, Sexuality Studies, Cultural and Media Representations of Gender, and Race and Racism (see below for details). While majors are not required to pursue a concentration, they are required to take at least one elective from either Globalization and Poverty or Social Justice and Violence, and one course each in Sexuality Studies, Cultural and Media Representations of Gender, and Race and Racism. 

The four additional electives are to be chosen by the student. Of the total electives required for the major, at least one must be outside the dominant Western European/North American context (appropriate courses are marked with an asterisk below). Additionally, we urge students to take courses that encompass issues of diversity within the U.S. context. 

Requirements for the A.B. in Women’s and Gender Studies

The A.B. in Women’s and Gender Studies requires 11 courses as follows:

  • WGST 1140, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies, or WGST 1141, Introduction to Sexuality Studies
  • WGST 2200, Feminist Theory, or WGST 2201, Feminist Theory 2
  • 1 elective in either Globalization and Poverty Area or Social Justice and Violence
  • 1 elective in Race and Racism
  • 1 elective in Media Representations of Gender
  • 1 elective in Sexuality Studies
  • 4 WGST core or cross-listed electives, including 1 elective outside Western European/North American context
  • WGST 4970, Senior Capstone

NOTE:  The student may elect a Concentration in Women’s and Gender Studies–see choices below.

Majors can also take three one-credit enrollments in Theater and Performance Studies practica to count as a three-credit elective course in the major. The credit can be obtained by participating in those Theater and Performance Studies (TPST) productions which incorporate in-depth exploration of gender- and sexuality-related themes, and enrolling in the practicum courses connected to them. The choice of productions must be approved by the major advisor, and the credits can be bundled only once. 

Concentrations Within the Women’s and Gender Studies Major

While meeting the requirements of the major as stipulated above, students have the option to pursue a formal concentration in one of the following five areas:

  1. Globalization and Poverty
  2. Social Justice and Violence
  3. Sexuality Studies
  4. Cultural and Media Representations of Gender
  5. Race and Racism

A concentration would include the completion of five courses from one of the lists below, of which a minimum of two must be core elective courses offered by the Women’s and Gender studies program, and as many as three may be cross-listed electives originating in other departments. Upon the approval of the director or the associate director of the program, students may count appropriate courses that are not listed towards the concentration.

1. Globalization and Poverty

  • WGST-2224, Labor/Sexuality/Globalization*
  • WGST-2247, Population, Gender, and Environment*
  • WGST-2265, Women, Poverty, and Reproduction
  • WGST-2269, Women and Health in the Americas
  • WGST-3350, Gender and Sustainability*

2. Social Justice and Violence

  • WGST-2222, Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault
  • WGST-2228, Women and Resistance in Russia
  • WGST-2251, Gender and the Law
  • WGST-2252, Sex, Social Justice and the Bill of Rights
  • WGST-2260, Violence/Gender/Human Rights*
  • WGST-2264, Empowering Women in the Law
  • WGST-2266, Women in American Politics
  • WGST-2270, Investigating Human Rights Abuses
  • WGST-3350, Gender and Sustainability*

3. Sexuality Studies

  • WGST-2224, Labor/Sexuality/Globalization*
  • WGST-2229, Sexual Politics in the Arab World*
  • WGST-2231, Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East*
  • WGST-2233, Gender, Sexuality and AIDS*
  • WGST-2234, Feminist Disability Studies
  • WGST-2242, African Sexualities and Cultures*
  • WGST-2257, Challenging Pride
  • WGST-2268, Queer Methodologies

4. Cultural and Media Representations of Gender

  • WGST-2233, Culture, Politics, HIV*
  • WGST-2234, Feminist Disability Studies
  • WGST-2238, Gender, Race, and Feminism
  • WGST-2239, Culture, Medicine, and Gender
  • WGST-2244, Hip Hop and Feminism
  • WGST-2256, Decolonizing Feminism*
  • WGST-2258, Queer Cinema
  • WGST-2259, Queer Hip-Hop
  • WGST-2262, Gender and Sexuality in Modern Iran*
  • WGST-2267, Gender and Political Campaigns
  • WGST-2280, Gender Politics in the EU
  • WGST-3352, Women with a Movie Camera

5. Race and Racism

  • WGST-2226, Inequality, Gender, and Prison
  • WGST-2238, Gender, Race, and Feminism
  • WGST-2239, Race, Gender, and Medicine
  • WGST-2242, African Sexualities and Cultures*
  • WGST-2260, Violence, Gender, and Human Rights*
  • WGST-2261, Black Women and the Politics of Care
  • WGST-2266, Women in American Politics

Note: Courses with the non-Western emphasis are denoted with an asterisk.

Integrated Writing in the Women’s and Gender Studies Major

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Georgetown University has always put a special emphasis on writing as an integral part of the critical exploration of society and culture. Both of our introductory courses (Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies and Introduction to Sexuality Studies) teach the fundamentals of academic writing, and the vast majority of our electives are student-centered, process-oriented seminars in which students work individually and in groups to prepare written and oral reports and critiques. Further, the program’s commitment to developing our students’ writing skills is most evident in the Senior Capstone course, in which all of our majors are required to produce a senior long paper.

The Capstone Seminar creates a synthesis of their studies in the discipline, and aims to improve upon their research and writing skills. In order to demonstrate their competence as feminist writers, students apply feminist research methods and theories to a research problem/question of their own choosing.  They are asked to formulate their own definitions of feminist scholarship, and to understand a variety of critical, theoretical, and empirical approaches to studying major feminist concerns and topics. By the end of the course, students aspire towards writing a long paper that is of sufficiently high quality as to merit consideration for potential publication.

Minor in Women’s and Gender Studies

Requirements for the Minor

The minor in Women’s and Gender Studies requires a total of six courses:

  • Three (3) courses from the Foundational Courses
    • WGST 1140-Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies OR WGST 1141-Introduction to Sexuality Studies
    • WGST 2200-Feminist Theory OR WGST 2201-Feminist Theory 2
    • WGST 4970-Senior Capstone
  • Three (3) electives of their choosing 

Minors are encouraged to take the Women’s and Gender Studies Senior Capstone, but are allowed to substitute it with another elective. 

We encourage minors to participate in either fourth-credit options or Community-Based Learning (CBL) courses geared to volunteer efforts in women’s organizations or one in which the student uses feminist principles and skills. We also urge minors to consider issues of diversity when constructing their curriculum.

(For course listings for Women’s and Gender Studies see Schedule of Classes)