Black Studies

The Department of Black Studies offers an A.B. in Black Studies , as well as a minor in Black Studies.

The Department of Black Studies embraces Georgetown University’s mission and it also seeks, through its “commitment to justice and the common good,” to engender “serious and sustained discourse among people of different faiths, cultures, and beliefs [in order to promote] intellectual, ethical, and spiritual understanding,” particularly concerning African American and African Diaspora populations. By studying the intellectual, historical, cultural, economic, political, religious, literary, scientific and social ideas, institutions, movements and practices of black people across the globe, the department provides tools to theorize solutions to social issues rooted in longstanding and persistent racial divides. The department’s interdisciplinary methodology encourages students to make connections and to think critically and creatively across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The Black Studies curriculum promotes the faculty’s cultural competencies, critical faculties, and historical sensibilities and equips students for educational and career success. 

Major in Black Studies

The Department of Black Studies offers a major in Black Studies. The major consists of courses that deeply and substantively examine Black culture, history and experience in the United States, study African culture, history, people, and politics as pretext and context to global black experiences, and explore the Black Atlantic diaspora. Courses with this mandate satisfy the major’s requirements. Students are encouraged to select at least nine hours of course work specifically related to African American experience in the United States. Students must complete ten (10) courses, totaling a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours, and must choose a concentration: Global Race and Ethnicity (GRE), Race, Space, and Public Policy (RSP), or Creativity, Design, and Emerging Forms (CDE). 

Requirements for the A.B. in Black Studies

To major in Black Studies, a student must successfully complete:

  • Introduction to Black Studies (BLST 1010)
  • Methodologies and Theoretical Issues in Black Studies (BLST 4560)
  • Five BLST courses within the area of concentration
    • 1 BLST course numbered in the 1000-level
    • 1 BLST course numbered at the 2000-level
    • 1 BLST course numbered at the 3000-level
    • 1 BLST course at the 4000-level
    • Additional BLST course at any level
  • Two BLST courses within the non-concentration area (courses should be above the 2000-level).
  • One elective on gender, sexuality, or disability (course should be at or above the 2000-level).

Overlay requirements that can be satisfied by any of the above:

  • One pre-twentieth century course
  • One African diaspora outside the United States course

Honors in Black Studies

The honors designation is reserved for outstanding students majoring in Black Studies. Eligible students electing the honors thesis major must choose a concentration area and complete a minimum of thirty-six (36) credit hours. To be eligible for doing honors research and writing, as well as qualifying for the honors designation, a student must first complete at least 15 credits of Black Studies courses with a minimum GPA of 3.67, and must also have a 3.40 GPA overall. Students must fill out the department application form and obtain the faculty mentor’s signature as well as the approval of the chair/director of undergraduate studies before registering for BLST 4580 and BLST 4600.

Thesis Requirements

Starting at least two semesters prior to graduation, and after completing the requirements listed for eligibility, students must successfully complete a course of research reading (BLST 4580) and a senior honors thesis writing (BLST 4600) with a grade of A- or higher in each course.

In summary, students must:

  • Maintain a 3.67 GPA in Black Studies
  • Maintain a 3.40 GPA overall
  • Complete all requirements for major and degree
  • Apply for departmental honors no later than the second semester of the junior year
  • Receive chair approval
  • Have taken BLST 4560 Methodologies and Theories (with a B+ or higher) before registering for BLST 4580 and BLST 4600
  • Take BLST 4580 and BLST 4600 consecutively during the senior year, earning grades of A- or higher in each course

Minor in Black Studies

The Department of Black Studies offers a minor in Black Studies. The minor consists of courses that deeply and substantively examine Black culture, history and experience in the United States, study African culture, history, people, and politics as pretext and context to Black experience, and explore the Black Atlantic diaspora satisfy the minor’s requirements. Students are encouraged to select at least nine hours of course work specifically related to Black experience in the United States. Students must successfully complete six (6) courses, totaling a minimum of eighteen (18) credit hours.

Requirements for the Minor in Black Studies

To minor in Black Studies, a student must successfully complete:

  • Introduction to Black Studies (BLST 1010)
  • Methodologies and Theoretical Issues in Black Studies (BLST 4560)
  • Four BLST courses (one at each level)

The Department of Black Studies’ website contains the most up-to-date information regarding the major, minor, and approved courses, and students are encouraged to visit it for additional information.

For course listings for Black Studies, see the Schedule of Classes.