
- Residency and Registration Requirements
- Registration Policies
- Email Policy
- Internships and Independent Study
- Withdrawal from a Course
- Taking a Leave of Absence
- Withdrawing from the University
- Transferring within the University
- Graduation
1. Residency and Registration Requirements
Georgetown’s intellectual community is immersive; it presumes presence, thorough ongoing engagement, and concentrated commitment of one’s time and attention to a rich, integrative learning environment. This belief animates the following policies regarding residency and matriculation.
1a. Residency Requirement
All degree candidates have a minimum residency requirement of four semesters of full-time status. Summer sessions, including summer study abroad, do not count toward fulfilling the residency requirement. Work completed on study abroad does not count toward fulfilling the residency requirement with the following exceptions: semester-long study at the VIlla Le Balze or at Georgetown University in Qatar.
Additionally, Georgetown has a three-year on-campus living requirement for undergraduates. The university guarantees students three years of housing consistent with our goal of developing a robust residential living and learning community on the Hilltop. All undergraduate students must live on campus during their first and second years, and for a third year (either junior or senior year), unless they have been specifically exempted. Requests for exemption from compliance with the housing requirement must be submitted in writing to the Office of Residential Living on a Housing Requirement Exemption Request form provided by that office. Students who study abroad can count their time abroad toward the on-campus living requirement. Sophomore transfers will be required to live on campus for two years and junior transfers for one year.
All undergraduate students who live off campus in non-University owned properties must provide their current local off campus address in GU Experience by the add/drop date for the semester. At the time a student initially applies for admission and matriculates into the University, it is determined that the permanent address provided is the student’s location. This location is established for each subsequent semester unless a change is reported by the student through GU Experience.
Failure to comply with these regulations may lead to sanctions including, but not limited to, a registration hold on a student’s account.
Failure by the student to report a new location may impact their eligibility to enroll in any clinicals, internships, practicums, or any other experiential learning required by the academic program due to state authorization. If a student submits a change of address in GU Experience, based on the information submitted in this change, the student may be subject to federal or state authorization disclosures depending on the academic program.
1b. Registration Status
Undergraduate degree candidates are required to be full-time. Full-time academic status requires registration in 12 credits or more in a fall, spring or at least 6 credits in a summer term.
Students seeking to register for more than 17.5 credits must submit an overload request form to their advising dean for review and approval. Registration beyond 20 credit hours will result in additional tuition charges (see Tuition and Other Expenses for further information).
Overloads resulting from e.g. intensive language courses or laboratory requirements are approved regularly. Ordinarily, however, students are limited to a maximum of five courses of three credits or more per semester; requests to take a sixth course of three credits or more will receive additional scrutiny, and when approved will be deferred until all students have had an opportunity to register for classes. First-year students are not permitted to take more than five courses of three credits or more.
Part-time academic status requires permission and is based on registration for fewer than 12 credits during a fall or spring term and fewer than 6 credits in a summer term.
1c. Inactive Status
Students who are suspended, dismissed or granted a leave of absence are not active students, and are therefore not permitted to reside in university housing, participate in student activities, use university facilities or services, or be on campus except when expressly permitted by the Dean’s Office. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may jeopardize their ability to be reinstated as an active student in the university. For more information on inactive status refer to the Appendix.
2. Registration Policies
No student enrolled in any school of the University shall at the same time be permitted to take classes at another university, with the exception of summer study, study abroad programs, and Consortium classes, any of which must be approved by a student’s advising dean.
Students admitted as first-year students are ordinarily expected to graduate in the eighth semester of matriculation, and will not be permitted to continue registration once all degree and program requirements have been completed. Students admitted as transfer students or students in dual degree programs may follow different timelines as determined by their dean’s offices.
Students are required to complete registration for each semester according to the schedule published by the Office of the University Registrar. Students who fail to register for classes by the end of the add/drop period at the beginning of a given semester will be advised to request a leave of absence or they will be withdrawn from the University for failure to register.
Holds, which prevent a student from registering for courses, may be placed when a student fails to (1) complete mandatory trainings (Honor Council, Title IX training), (2) provide proof of required vaccinations as determined by the Office of Public Health, (3) provide a a valid off-campus address. Academic Deans’ offices, the Department of Athletics Office of Revenue and Receivables and other administrative offices may also place holds that impact registration on students’ records.
A student’s enrollment, receipt of academic credits, and conferral of any degree or credential are subject to the student remaining in good academic and disciplinary standing as determined by the relevant deans and the Office of Student Conduct.
Student Health Insurance
Full-time students in most degree programs are required to have adequate health insurance. A charge for the Premier Plan automatically appears on students’ accounts when their course registration meets the eligibility criteria. Enrollment in the Premier Plan can be waived if a student has other adequate coverage. Please go to for more information about Student Health Insurance elections.
Immunization Requirements
District of Columbia law (D.C. Code 38-502) requires all students under age 26 attending school to provide documentation of vaccination or immunity (lab test, if appropriate) from Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella and Meningitis. Students under age 18 must be vaccinated against Polio. All students regardless of age are screened for Tuberculosis (TB) by a risk assessment questionnaire, consistent with guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and the American College Health Association. Not all students will require TB testing. Required Immunization and TB testing information must be entered into the Georgetown immunization database portal at with accompanying verification signed by a health care provider. The deadline for incoming fall semester students to enter this information is July 15 (December 15 for students entering in the spring semester). Failure to meet this deadline may result in a $100 nonrefundable fee and prevent students from registering for classes. If, after reviewing the immunization requirements, you or your health care provider have questions, please contact the Georgetown Student Health Center through a secure message in the immunization database portal or by calling the Student Health Center immunization line at 202-687-3100.
F-1 and J-1 International Students
International undergraduate students in F-1 and J-1 student status must maintain a full-time course load of at least 12 credits each semester. Federal regulations governing student status require that students obtain approval from the Office of Global Services PRIOR to reducing their course load below the 12 credit minimum. International students should not depend on their professors or academic advisors for information about immigration regulations and course load requirements. Failure to maintain full-time status, as defined by Department of Homeland Security, may result in loss of permission to remain in the United States.
In addition, all non-U.S. citizens are required to report accurate citizenship and visa type (including permanent residents) to the Office of Global Services. Any student who does not provide this information to the Office of Global Services will be ineligible to register for the following semester.
The Department of Homeland Security has instituted strict reporting requirements for schools that enroll foreign nationals. Before the start of each semester, all newly enrolled international students at Georgetown University on non-immigrant visas are required to attend the Immigration Reporting Session given by the Office of Global Services (OGS). OGS will provide all new international students with detailed information concerning the time, date, and location of the session before the start of the semester, and this information will also be posted on OGS’ website. Those who fail to attend the session will not be allowed to complete registration or attend classes. For further questions and information, please contact the Office of Global Services by calling (202) 687-5867.
3. Email Policy
Email is the standard mode of communication for University broadcast messages to the community as well as for messages to individual students about academic standing and other important administrative matters. All messages are sent to the Georgetown student’s official Georgetown email address. Students are expected to read and, when appropriate or required, respond in a timely fashion to emails sent from University offices. Students who wish to use another address are responsible for setting and maintaining appropriate forwarding rules to ensure they receive University email.
4. Internships and Independent Study
Students can earn academic credit in conjunction with an internship by enrolling in one of the many internship-based courses offered across the University, ranging from 1-4 credits. Students may also develop an academic internship in the context of a faculty-led tutorial (see below).
An academic internship is defined as a student work experience that is connected to one’s academic interest and/or course of study, complements a designated, credit-bearing course or tutorial, is designed around clear learning goals, and integrates multiple opportunities for reflection. The Council of Deans and the Provost have approved the following general guidelines for internships:
An internship should enhance students’ analytical skills and should integrate research in the field with practical experiences.
An internship should be built on some aspect of the academic program. It is important that the internship involves the application of methodologies appropriate to the discipline(s).
Under the guidance of a faculty member, the student should culminate the internship with a significant product such as a paper, project or extended reflection.
Typically, internships are deemed appropriate for students beyond their first year.
4b.Tutorials/Independent Study
Tutorials are designed to meet a variety of educational purposes. Reading tutorials usually focus on mastering the scholarly literature on a particular subject. Research tutorials focus on the collection and analysis of primary materials in the form of a major research paper.
Tutorials/Independent Study are designed to meet the needs of individual students under specific academic circumstances. Five general conditions should be met: (1) the course, or an acceptable substitute, is not offered by the University in the current semester, (2) the need of the student for the course at this time must be clearly demonstrated, (3) an instructor approved by the relevant department is available, (4) the proper administrative approvals are obtained, (5) the completed Request for Tutorial/Registration form is submitted to the Office of the Dean for approval before the last day to add a course.
In general, tutorials/independent study are given by full-time faculty for full-time students in good academic standing.
5. Withdrawal from a Course
To withdraw from a course, a student must initiate the request via GU Experience by the withdrawal deadline. If a student does not complete a course for which the student is registered and from which the student has not officially withdrawn, a failure will be recorded for that course.
Courses dropped through the add/drop period will be deleted from a student’s record; thereafter, courses are considered withdrawn and are indicated by a “W” grade.
Withdrawals are not permitted after the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. For modular courses that do not follow the standard semester calendar, refer to deadlines on the calendar specific to modular courses. No undergraduate student at any time may withdraw from courses to the point of becoming a part-time student (i.e., registered for eleven or fewer credits) without the permission of their Dean’s Office.
6. Taking a Leave of Absence
The University recognizes that students may need to pause their studies for various reasons, and the policies that follow describe the circumstances under which a student may request a leave of absence, and the specific policies governing the different types of leaves. In each case, these procedures are put in place to facilitate a successful return to studies and completion of degree requirements.
Students who have been granted a leave of absence from the University, if eligible, must apply to their advising Dean for readmission and submit all materials by November 1 for consideration for the spring semester, April 1 for the summer sessions, and June 30 for the fall semester. The following describes the different types of leaves students may be granted.
In order for an undergraduate who is seeking readmission to be guaranteed on campus housing, they must submit all materials to their academic dean no later than November 1 for consideration for the spring semester, April 1 for the summer sessions, and May 31 for the fall semester. Should an undergraduate student miss that deadline, they will be added to a housing waitlist but will not be guaranteed on campus housing and they may not live in the neighborhoods around campus.
6a. Personal Leave of Absence
A student in good academic standing and not subject to disciplinary action may, on formal written request, be granted a leave of absence by their advising Dean. For leaves of absence initiated during a semester, tuition refunds will be calculated according to the refund calendar posted by the Office of the University Registrar. If initiated after the add/drop period has concluded, all courses will be marked as withdrawn (W).
6b. Medical Leave of Absence
The University recognizes that students may experience medical situations that significantly limit their ability to function successfully or safely in their role as students. In those situations, students should consider requesting a medical leave of absence (MLOA), which permits students to take a break from university life and their studies, so that they may receive treatment and later return to the University to achieve their academic and co-curricular goals. Students interested in a MLOA should contact their Dean’s Office , and the Student Health Center or the Counseling and Psychiatric Service.
6c. Mandated Leave of Absence
The University is committed to the ongoing safety, health, and well-being of members of its community. Accordingly, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or a designee) may place a student on a Mandated Leave of Absence, following an individualized assessment in which the University determines that a student meets one or more of the following criteria:
1. The student presents a substantial risk of harm to, or endangers the safety, health, or well-being of, the University community or any member of the University
community; or
2. The student presents a substantial risk of significantly disrupting the University community or any member of the community.
The Vice President for Student Affairs will determine the period of the leave and the conditions for the student’s re-enrollment at the University.
When a student wishes to re-enroll, a written request must be made to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Vice President will conduct an individualized assessment to determine whether the student has satisfied the conditions for re-enrollment and is
eligible to re-enroll. Such an assessment may include consultation with others on campus, as well as requiring a student to undergo an in-person assessment by a physician or other appropriate individuals as to readiness to return.
6d. U.S. Military Service Leave and Re-Enrollment Policy
Georgetown University recognizes that students who serve in the U.S. armed forces may encounter situations in which military obligations force them to withdraw from a course of study and that this can sometimes happen with little notice. This policy applies to all University schools and programs and is intended to recognize, and make appropriate allowances for, students who find themselves in such situations.
6d.1. Military Leave and Refund Procedures
6d.1a. Definition
For purposes of this policy, a “military service leave” is a University approved withdrawal from all in-progress University classes that is necessitated by service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the United States Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days.
6d.1b. Student Responsibilities
A student who is called to active duty or active service in a branch of the United States Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard or Reserve) and wishes to take a military service leave must provide the University with advanced notice of such service and the intention to take a leave of absence. As soon as possible, after receiving military orders that require withdrawal from a program or course of study, a student must contact his or her academic dean to request a formal leave of absence and attach a copy of the military orders or other appropriate documentation to the request. This advanced notice can be made by the student or may be made by an appropriate officer of the U.S. Armed Forces or official of the U.S. Department of Defense to the University Registrar, but the student is responsible for making sure their Dean’s Office receives notice. The notice need not include a statement of an intention to return to the University. If military necessity renders it impossible to provide advance notice to their Dean’s Office, the student may initiate a military service leave by providing notice at the first reasonable opportunity, in writing, personally signed, and with a copy of the military orders attached.
6d.1c. University Procedures
Upon receiving notice of a student’s request to withdraw from the University or a program because of military obligations, the dean shall submit the military service leave of absence to the campus registrar via the Termination of Matriculation Form. The campus registrar will review the request and process the military service leave of absence and notifying the Office of Student Financial Services and the Office of Student Accounts. The Office of Student Financial Services/Veteran Benefits (or equivalent) will review the student’s eligibility for financial aid funds received before the time of withdrawal and inform the student about the status of his or her financial aid and actions required to defer loan repayments based on military obligations. Students who are granted a military service leave will be withdrawn and receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees charged for the semester or academic term in which they withdraw, but will be charged for housing and meal plan expenses already incurred. If the University determines that it is appropriate to award academic credit for work completed in the semester or academic term in which a student takes military service leave, the student shall not receive a refund for the portion of the course of study for which academic credit is awarded. No refund will be provided until the University receives a copy of the military orders necessitating the withdrawal. Students who are granted a military service leave may be on leave for up to five academic years, after which an extension may be granted with their dean’s approval. To apply for an extension, students must contact their dean. Students who do not request an extension will be withdrawn from the University and at a later date may choose to seek readmission. To seek readmission at a later date, students must contact their dean.
6d.2. Military Re-Enrollment Policy and Procedures
6d.2a. Definition
For purposes of this policy, a “military re-enrollment” is a University approved re-enrollment after a military service leave.
6d.2b. Student Responsibilities
A student who has taken military service leave from the University or has had studies interrupted because of active duty or active service in a branch of the United States Armed Forces and wishes to re-enroll must notify the University of the intent to return to resume a course of study upon conclusion of duty or service and present appropriate documentation prior to the semester in which the student is requesting re-enrollment. To qualify for military re-enrollment, a student must provide notice to the University of the intention to re-enroll within three years of the time he or she is discharged from military service or is placed on inactive duty. Notice should be provided in writing to the appropriate academic dean in accordance with the program’s re-enrollment leave of absence process and should include documentation (including an official certificate of release or discharge, a copy of duty orders, or other appropriate documentation) to confirm/(verify) the student’s withdrawal was related to service in the uniformed services and that the student is able to resume studies.1 Military re-enrollment guarantees a student who meets these requirements access to the same course of study he/she was in at the time of withdrawal without incurring a re-enrollment fee, unless a student receives a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge or has been sentenced in a court-martial.2 Any student who, because of military necessity, did not give written or oral notice of service to their academic dean or the campus Registrar prior to withdrawal, may, at the time the student seeks readmission, submit documentation that the student served in a branch of the U.S. Armed Services that necessitated the student’s absence from the University.
6d.2c. University Procedures
A student who meets the notice requirements set forth herein will be granted military re-enrollment in the semester following the notice of intent to return, or, if the student chooses, at the beginning of the next full academic year. Upon returning to the University, the student will resume his or her course of study without repeating completed coursework and will have the same enrollment status and academic standing as before the military leave. If the student is readmitted to the same program, during the first academic year in which the student returns, the student will be assessed the same tuition and fee charges that the student was or would have been assessed during the academic year in which the student left the institution.3 However, for the first academic year in which the student returns, the University may assess an amount up to the amount of tuition and fee charges that other students in the program are currently assessed for that academic year if the student’s veterans’ education benefits4 or other service member education benefits will pay the amount in excess of the tuition and fee charges assessed for the academic year in which the student left the institution.
If, in the judgment of the University, a student is not academically prepared to resume a course of study in which he or she was previously enrolled, or is unprepared to complete a program, the University will determine whether reasonable means are available to help the student become prepared. The University may deny the student re-enrollment if it determines that reasonable efforts are not available, or that such efforts have failed to prepare the student to resume the course of study or complete the program. A student who has been away from the University on military service for more than five years (including all previous absences for military service obligations after initial enrollment but including only time the student spends actually performing service in the uniformed services) will not be guaranteed military re-enrollment, but may petition his or her dean for consideration of military re-enrollment.5 A student who chooses at the conclusion of military service to enroll in a different course of study than the one the student was in at the time of military withdrawal must complete the regular admission and enrollment process for that course of study.
1. The University shall determine the adequacy of documentation with reference to 34. C.F.R. Sec. 668.18(g). 2. The appropriate point in a course or program for a student to resume studies, the timing of re-enrollment, and the determination of the “same course of study” will be determined by the University taking into account the unique characteristics and requirements of that course or program and the modes in which it is offered (e.g., non degree vs. degree, evening vs. day program, special program vs. standard program). If the program in which the student was enrolled has been discontinued or is no longer offered, the University will enroll the student in the program that it determines to be most similar to that program or in a different program for which the student is qualified.
2. The appropriate tuition and fee amounts will be reflected on the bill that the student receives.
3. As defined in section 480(c) of the HEA.
4. This cumulative leave of absence restriction shall be interpreted and applied with reference to 34 C.F.R. Sec. 668.18(c) and (e), which set forth rules for calculating cumulative absence due to military service.
7. Withdrawing from the University
A withdrawal from the University will usually be granted, upon written request, to any student in good academic standing and not subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include current probation or suspension, or pending proceedings before the Honor Council or the Office of Student Conduct. Students wishing to withdraw must complete the following steps:
Notify your advising dean, in writing, of your intention to withdraw permanently from the University.;
By act of Registration, students accept the responsibility for charges of the entire semester, regardless of attendance in class and regardless of the method of payment used; “Registration” includes initial registration upon enrollment, and any courses added after. Cancellation of registration for individual courses must be made through the Withdrawal workflow in GU Experience. The Academic Dean’s approval via the withdrawal workflow is the official procedure for withdrawal from individual courses. Discontinuance by notifying anyone else is not considered official notice of discontinuance. Official voluntary withdrawal from the University is done through written notice to the Office of the Dean, which will then be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. Students will not be granted an honorable withdrawal while unsatisfied financial obligations to the University exist.
A student who fails to register by the end of the late registration period in any given semester, and who has not been in touch with their advising dean to request an extension or a leave of absence, will be withdrawn from the University for failure to register.
The University has established a schedule for partial refund of tuition charges for official withdrawals from the University; this schedule is found in the section on Expenses and Financial Assistance. As stated above, application for tuition refunds must be made in writing at the Office of Student Accounts.
8. Transfer Within the University
Since the five undergraduate schools are distinct and under the jurisdiction of separate Deans, students interested in transferring within the University must apply in writing to the school to which they wish to transfer. Students must complete one full year (i.e., two semesters) of study in the school to which they were admitted before they can apply to transfer internally. Each school establishes its own admission standards for intra-university transfer students, and each school manages its own internal transfer application. The deadline for applications for internal transfer is the last day of classes in any given semester, across all schools. A student considering transfer should consult the appropriate Dean’s Office to learn about regulations governing intra-university applications, recommend coursework, and other important information. Students who transfer should expect to complete all of the degree requirements of the school to which they transfer.
9. Graduation
9a. Graduation Requirements
All undergraduate students are required to fulfill the following requirements for graduation:
1. Earn a minimum of 120 credits
2. Attain a minimum final cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
3. Fulfill all requirements of the Georgetown Core Curriculum
4. Fulfill all additional core requirements of your school
5. Fulfill the minimum residency requirement of two years (four semesters of full-time status, exclusive of summer study) at Georgetown University
6. Complete the requirements of your major as set out by your school
7. Complete any additional requirements as specified by your school
9b. Applying for Graduation
Degrees are awarded three times a year: in May, August, and December. Seniors must file an application for the degree as directed by their Dean’s Office by the dates stipulated below:
for a May degree, February 1;
for an August degree, August 1; or
for a December degree, November 1.
Failure to apply for graduation may postpone the student’s degree conferral.
Please note that Commencement Exercises are held only once per year, each May. Students who graduate in August or December may take part in the Commencement Exercises with their class year in May. Students who are suspended, dismissed or on a leave of absence may not participate in any Commencement activities.
Diplomas are mailed to students’ permanent address after all degrees have been awarded on the transcript. Diplomas will not be issued to graduates with unsatisfied financial obligations to the University.