Tuition and Other Expenses

Georgetown University specifically reserves the right to increase tuition and other fees without prior notice should conditions be such that an increase is warranted.

By the act of registration, class attendance, or participation in other activities associated with enrollment at Georgetown, the student accepts financial responsibility for charges assessed to his/her student account. This financial responsibility is not relieved until payment has actually been made for any charges incurred.

Tuition per semester (full-time, per semester)$33,912.00
Tuition (part-time, per credit)$2,826.00
Extra Courses (per credit above 20 credits)$2,826.00
English as a Foreign Language Tuition (full-time, per semester)$10,104.00
English as a Foreign Language Tuition (per credit)$1,263.00
Mandatory FeesAmount
Student Activities Fee (per semester)$96.50
Program Fees (per semester)Amount
SOH/SON Technology Fee$180.00
ELC Fee$75.00
Housing Rates by BuildingFall 2023Spring 2024
Alumni Square$7,517.00$7,517.00
Leavey (Hotel)$6,866.00-$7,395.00$6,866.00-$7,395.00
New South$5,808.00-$6,962.00$5,808.00-$6,962.00
Ryan Hall and Freedom Hall$6,902.00-$7,875.00$6,902.00-$7,875.00
Village A$7,511.00$7,511.00
Village C East$7,112.00-$7,439.00$7,112.00-$7,439.00
Village C West$7,112.00-$7,439.00$7,112.00-$7,439.00
55 H St.$6,885.00-$11,458.00$6,885.00-$11,458.00

For more detailed information, please visit the website for Georgetown Residential Living.

Board Fall 2023Spring 2024
All Access 7+ Plan (includes $500 Flex)$3,980.00$3,980.00
All Access 7 Plan (includes $200 Flex)$3,680.00$3,680.00
14-Meals per week plan (includes $250 Flex)$3,358.00$3,358.00
7 Meals per week plan (includes $250 Flex)$1,804.00$1,804.00

Contingent FeesAmount
Returned Check Fee (per returned item)$80.00
Payment Plan Application Fee (per semester)$60.00
Late Registration Fee$100.00
Non-Payment Fee (per semester)$100.00
Service Charge (monthly, percentage of overdue balance)1.50%


  • Full-time tuition status for non-ELC undergraduates is a load of 12 to 20 credits or GU Study Abroad
  • The Student Activities Fee is mandatory for all undergraduate degree-seeking students
  • All full-time undergraduate students must live on campus their first and second years, and for a third (junior or senior) year
  • Board is mandatory for all students living in on-campus housing and selection for mandated students is limited.
    • Freshmen and Sophomores may select from the All Access 7 or All Access 7+ plans.
    • Juniors may select from the Weekly 14, All Access 7, All Access 7+ plans
    • Seniors may select from the Weekly 7, Weekly 14, All Access 7, All Access 7+ plans

Students must take action to drop or withdraw from classes in order to be eligible for a tuition refund according to the refund schedule applicable to their program of study. Students are responsible for receipt and review of their billing statements and ensuring that their balance is settled in full by the due date specified on such statements. Failure to do so may subject the account to late payment penalties. In the event that Georgetown University deems it necessary to utilize the services of a third-party collection agency in order to collect on a delinquent debt, the student will be responsible for paying the fees of such services.

More information can be found on the Policies and Procedures section of the Revenue and Receivables Department’s website .