Financial Aid to Meet College Expenses

Undergraduates can get information and guidance from Georgetown’s Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) (new window) about the financial aid that is available to help students meet college expenses. Our mission is to make it financially possible for every admitted applicant to attend Georgetown University, ensuring that we recruit, retain, and graduate a talented and diverse learning community. 

Need-Based Aid & Financing Options: The OSFS helps students obtain need-based financial aid from federal, state, private, and institutional grant, scholarship, employment, and loan programs.  The OSFS also helps students use financing options like parent and private loans, external scholarships, employer and veteran benefits, and monthly payment plans to meet college costs. Visit the OSFS website for the most current and detailed information about the topics covered below.

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Eligibility for Need-Based Financial Aid

At Georgetown, most financial aid is awarded based on demonstrated financial need.  With the exception of some athletic scholarships, Georgetown does not offer merit-based scholarships. 

Demonstrating Financial Need:  Financial need is the computed difference between the total average costs of attendance and a calculated expected family contribution/responsibility.  The current average cost of attendance used to determine eligibility for need-based financial aid can be found on the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) website .  The expected family contribution/responsibility is calculated from the information aid applicants provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile financial aid application, and review of personal and business tax returns. If the aid applicant will have other resources available to meet college costs, such as state or privately-sponsored grants or scholarships, or tuition benefits from an employer, or benefits from government agencies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Veterans Administration, those resources must also be considered in determining need for financial aid. If the average cost of attending Georgetown University is greater than the expected family contribution/responsibility plus other available resources, the applicant may be eligible for need-based financial aid to fund the difference.

Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid Programs: In general, applicants must demonstrate financial need, be a U.S. citizen or an “eligible non-citizen”, and be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program. Students must also be “academically engaged” in their courses and may only receive federal financial aid for courses that apply towards their program’s completion requirements. More detailed information about eligibility requirements is available from the U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website (new window). 

Eligibility for Georgetown Institutional Aid:  Georgetown is committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of eligible students using a combination of federal student aid program funding, plus any outside resources each student may receive, and institutionally-funded need-based aid to meet remaining demonstrated financial need. Applicants for Georgetown institutional aid must typically first meet the eligibility criteria for federal student financial aid programs, and also demonstrate sufficient financial need for Georgetown assistance. Due to limited institutional funding, Georgetown-funded aid is not typically offered to most international applicants who are neither U.S. citizens nor eligible non-citizens, nor to undergraduates in the School for Continuing Studies (SCS).

Eligibility for Georgetown Athletic Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded by the GU Department of Athletics based on athletic and academic potential. Information about these opportunities can be obtained from the GU Department of Athletics

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Applying for Need-Based Financial Aid

Visit the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) website  for the most current detailed instructions on how to apply for financial aid.  


First-year & Transfer students: by February 1

Continuing undergraduates: by March 31

Applications received after the recommended deadlines cannot be guaranteed consideration for Georgetown University scholarship assistance.

First-year and transfer students who complete their applications for aid after the recommended deadlines may not receive an assessment of their eligibility for financial aid before the deadline for admission deposits.

Verification of Application Data:  Students are required to validate the data reported on their aid applications by submitting to Georgetown via the College Board’s secure IDOC Service copies of personal, business, and/or farm federal tax returns and other documents. Georgetown reserves the right to withhold the disbursement of financial aid funds until the application data verification process is complete. Aid funding may change if eligibility for assistance changes due to revised application data discovered during the verification process.


Fee Waivers for the CSS Profile: Certain applicants may be eligible for a fee waiver to file the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile aid application. The CSS rules about fee waivers are described here .

Waiving the required CSS Profile:  The CSS Profile requirement will be waived for some applicants if the information submitted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is sufficient to determine financial need and eligibility for Georgetown scholarship aid.

Self-Employed Parents/Students & Business and/or Farm Owners:  Applicants for Georgetown’s need-based institutional scholarships must submit copies of parent/student personal, business, and/or farm tax returns via the College Board’s secure online IDOC portal .

Undergraduates in the GU School for Continuing Studies (SCS): may be eligible for loans, federal grants, private scholarships, and other external awards, but are generally not eligible for Georgetown Scholarships. 


To Apply For Federal Financial Aid:  To apply for federal financial aid programs, the applicant and his/her custodial parent and step-parent must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA has instructions to help the applicant determine who is the custodial parent for the purpose of completing the FAFSA.

To Apply For Need-Based Georgetown Scholarship:  Georgetown reviews information from both the custodial and the non-custodial parent of an applicant (and their respective households if either/both have remarried), to assess financial need and eligibility for Georgetown institutional scholarship.  Applicants must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and a College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile form with custodial (and step-parent) information, and a separate CSS Profile with non-custodial (and step-parent) information; exceptions to this policy are noted below.  Georgetown recognizes that planning how to meet educational costs when parents are divorced, separated, remarried, or never married can be complicated. However, Georgetown believes that both of a Georgetown scholarship aid applicant’s parents are responsible for providing funds to meet college expenses based on their respective abilities to contribute.

Waiving the Non-Custodial Parent Information Requirement: Applicants seeking a waiver of Georgetown’s requirement must submit a fully completed request for waiver form, which can be found on the Parent Information Page of the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile website . Submission of a request for a waiver does not guarantee the requirement will be waived by Georgetown. The requirement will not be waived (absent special circumstances), even if the non-custodial parent refuses to complete the form, or even in cases where a divorce decree states that the noncustodial parent is not responsible for the student’s educational expenses.   Independent third party documentation may be requested to support some requests for waivers. The criteria listed below will be considered in evaluating requests for waivers.

  • Can the non-custodial parent be located by the applicant or custodial parent? Documentation of unsuccessful attempts to contact the non-custodial parent is required to support a request for waiver, e.g., copies of court records or requests for assistance from state or local government agencies;
  • Is the non-custodial parent completely incapable of making a financial contribution due to lack of income/assets or incarceration? Does the non-custodial parent receive government assistance such as food stamps, welfare, or SSI benefits? Is the non-custodial parent incarcerated? These circumstances might support a waiver based on non-custodial parent’s incapacity to contribute;
  • Has the non-custodial parent made child support payments recently and consistently? If not, a statement to that effect and/or documentation of unsuccessful attempts to obtain child support payments is required to support a request for waiver;
  • Did the divorce or separation take place so long ago that it is unreasonable to expect a contribution from the non-custodial parent? If the divorce or separation took place more than ten years ago, and if other criteria for waiver are met (such as lack of child support payments), it is more likely that the requirement for non-custodial parent information will be waived.
  • Is there a documented case of abuse or a legal order that limits the noncustodial parent’s contact with the student? If so, copies of court documents or other legal orders are required to support a request for a waiver. 


To Apply For Federal Financial Aid: Some undergraduates may meet the federal definition of financial independence to qualify for federal financial aid funding without providing parent information on the federal student aid application.  The factors that determine dependency status for federal financial aid purposes are explained at the Dependency Status page on the U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website .

To Apply for Need-Based Institutional Georgetown Scholarship:  All undergraduate applicants for Georgetown scholarship aid are typically expected to provide parental income and asset information, even if they meet the requirements for “independent status” for purposes of federal financial aid eligibility, with few exceptions noted below. 

Exceptions for Wards of the Court, Foster Care, Homeless or Unaccompanied Youth, Orphans: Applicants for Georgetown Scholarship aid who declare on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that they are wards of the court, in foster care, are homeless, unaccompanied youth, or orphaned will typically be considered for Georgetown scholarship aid without having to provide parent information. 

Other Exceptions to Parent Information Requirement: The University requires parent information on financial aid applications for institutionally-funded Georgetown Scholarship grant aid.  This requirement is not typically waived for most undergraduates.  However, in unique cases,  where a student is found to be financially “self-supporting” and there are other special circumstances present, the criteria listed below can will be considered in evaluating requests to waive the requirement. Third party documentation of special circumstances is required to support requests for waivers.

Examples of some criteria used to evaluate requests to waive the requirement for parent information to assess need for Georgetown scholarship assistance:

  • Can the applicant document self-support for several years prior to entering college? Students must provide evidence that they were able to financially support themselves, e.g., tax returns showing a level of income that would support the student independent of outside resources;
  • Can the applicant provide documentation from independent third parties regarding the complete absence of a parent/student relationship for an extended period of time?
  • Is the applicant of an age that would imply independence? Waiving the requirement for parental information becomes more reasonable as the age of the applicant increases, if the other criteria are met.


To Apply For Federal Financial Aid:  Some eligible non-U.S. citizens may qualify for federal financial aid, but most non-U.S. citizens do not.  Complete and updated information about federal financial aid eligibility for non-U.S. citizens is available from the Non-U.S. Citizens Eligibility page on the Federal Student Aid website .

Non-U.S. citizens with a social security number are advised to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), even if their immigration status currently makes them ineligible for federal financial aid, because many state agencies and colleges (including Georgetown) use the FAFSA to offer their own financial assistance.

To Apply For Need-Based Georgetown Scholarship: Georgetown offers a very limited number of need-based scholarships to selected non-SCS first-year undergraduates who are neither U.S. citizens nor eligible non-U.S. citizens. Prospective students who wish to be considered for one of these need-based scholarships must indicate their interest in receiving scholarship aid on the Georgetown application for undergraduate admission, and must submit a College Scholarship Service (CSS) Financial Aid Profile form to apply for assistance. Instructions to help international students complete the Profile form can be found on the CSS site.

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Policies on Financial Aid Eligibility

Verification of Application Data & Sibling Enrollment:  Some financial aid applications will be selected for a process called “verification” to confirm the information reported on the applications, including the reported enrollment of siblings in college.

Students selected for “verification” are typically required to provide documents such as personal, business, and/or farm tax returns or other items that can validate the data on their aid applications.  Some applicants may be required to assist the OSFS with sibling enrollment verification.  The OSFS website (new window) describes what students must do to verify the data reported on their financial aid applications. 

Georgetown reserves the right to revise a determination of financial aid eligibility based on verified application data changes, and/or withhold the disbursement of financial aid funds until the application data verification process is completed.

Aid offered may change if eligibility for assistance changes due to revised application data and/or enrollment of sibling(s) discovered during the verification process. 

Financial aid for first year and transfer students will not be disbursed until application data verification is completed. Returning students will not receive a notice of need-based aid eligibility until application data verification is completed. Verification on an aid application must be completed no later than 120 days after the last date of enrollment for the academic year in order for an applicant to be considered for a late disbursement of need-based financial aid. 

Annual Application & Need Analysis Requirement: Because the amounts and sources of financial aid program funding change each year, and because families’ financial circumstances may change, students are required to complete a new financial aid application each year.  Aid renewal depends on whether the funding sources are still available, and whether students continue to demonstrate the same level of financial need, make satisfactory academic progress (this requirement is explained below), and are in good standing with the University.

Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):  Federal regulations require that, in order to be eligible for assistance from any Federal Higher Education Act Title IV student aid program (e.g., Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Work-Study, Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan, Federal PLUS Loan) a student must be making satisfactory academic progress toward their degree or eligible certificate program. This policy also applies to undergraduate eligibility for Georgetown scholarships and Georgetown loans.  

SAP standards do not replace or supersede Georgetown’s academic regulations or individual schools’ regulations and procedures. Georgetown’s student financial aid SAP policies for undergraduate students are similar, but not identical, to the university’s Academic Regulations published in the Undergraduate Bulletin. Students should review both sets of policies and ask for clarification as needed. Questions regarding the student financial aid SAP policy should be directed to the Office of Student Financial Services; questions regarding the university’s academic regulations should be directed to the student’s respective academic Dean’s Office.

The Federal SAP standards for undergraduate students require satisfying the following requirements:

1. Qualitative SAP Standard: Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

2. Maximum Time Frame for Degree Completion: Students must be completing credit units at a rate that would enable them to complete the requirements for the degree or eligible certificate program in a maximum time frame of 150 percent of the published length of the academic program, as expressed in attempted credit hours. For example, for programs that require 120 credit hours for graduation, the maximum time frame for degree completion is calculated as 120 credit hours multiplied by 150 percent. The resulting maximum time frame in this example is 180 attempted credit hours and the student’s pace of enrollment in this example must enable the student to complete the program within 180 attempted credit hours.

3. Quantitative SAP Standard: Students must complete at least two-thirds of courses attempted. At GU, standard enrollment is 12-15 credits per semester. Transfer credits and AP credits that have been accepted as part of the degree program will count as both attempted and completed hours toward degree completion. Incompletes (until resolution), withdrawals (after the add/drop period), and failing grades all count as attempted but not completed credit hours. 

Satisfactory academic progress of financial aid recipients is tracked from the first date of enrollment regardless of whether or not financial aid was received. Additionally, transfer credits and repeated courses are counted as attempted courses and also count toward the maximum time frame to complete the degree. 

Satisfactory academic progress is reviewed at the end of each semester, including the summer session. If students meet the SAP standards, they remain eligible for federal and university financial aid. Otherwise, they may be placed in either a “Financial Aid Warning” status or a “Financial Aid Ineligible” status.

Financial Aid Warning SAP Status: Students who do not meet the SAP standards for the first time will be given a Financial Aid Warning for their next semester of enrollment. Students will be notified via their GU email address of this status within a month of the end of the semester. Students are not required to take any action during this warning semester. The Financial Aid Warning status is for one semester. Students who fail to meet the SAP standards for a second semester become ineligible for Federal Title IV financial aid and university aid unless they request an appeal and the appeal is approved.

Financial Aid Ineligible SAP Status:  Students who fail to meet the SAP standards during the Financial Aid Warning semester and do not have an approved appeal will enter a Financial Aid Ineligible status. Students in this status are not eligible for Federal Title IV financial aid or university aid. In some cases, financial aid may have disbursed prior to the notification of Financial Aid Ineligible status. When this situation occurs, the financial aid will be canceled and removed from their Georgetown billing account.

The SAP Appeal Process:  Students have the right to appeal any decision of ineligibility to continue to receive financial assistance based on failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. However, a SAP appeal may not be made based solely upon a student’s financial need for assistance or based on a student’s lack of knowledge that assistance was in jeopardy. A successful SAP appeal is typically based upon some unusual situation, condition or other mitigating circumstance that prevented the student from passing courses or necessitated that a student withdraw from classes. Examples of possible situations include documented serious illness, severe injury, or death of a family member. A detailed explanation of what changes have taken place that will enable the student to meet the required SAP standards in the future must be provided. SAP Appeals can only be approved if the Financial Aid Reconsideration Committee in the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) determines:

  • That the student will be able to meet minimum SAP standards after the next payment period; or 
  • That the student has agreed to follow an academic plan established by his/her academic Dean’s office that if followed, will ensure that the student can meet minimum SAP standards by a specific point in time.

The form required to submit an undergraduate SAP Appeal can be found here .  Students are notified via their GU email account regarding the outcome of a SAP Appeal. 

Financial Aid SAP Probation:  Students whose SAP appeals are approved will receive financial aid on a conditional basis. The conditions will be outlined in a letter emailed to the student at his/her GU email address. The Financial Aid Reconsideration Committee in the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) will review each student’s record at the end of the following semester to determine his/her SAP/eligibility status for future semesters. Students who fail to meet the conditions outlined in their individualized academic plans during their conditional semesters will revert to an ineligible status for their subsequent semesters.

Financial Aid for Study Abroad:  With the exception of Federal Work-Study funds, all forms of financial aid can be applied to meet financial need for eligible students in Georgetown-approved and Independent Petition study abroad programs. 

Financial Aid for Off-Campus Housing, Food & Other Non-billed Expenses: Eligibility for financial aid is calculated using an average allowance for housing, food, and other education-related expenses that is the same amount for all undergraduates whether they live on or off-campus.  Students are advised to carefully consider the full cost of their residency options (including housing/rent & utilities, and meal plans/food) before making a financial commitment to either an on-campus or an off-campus living option. Students may contact their counselors in the OSFS to review their options and get help budgeting non-tuition & fees living expenses for college.  

Commuters: Students who live locally at home with parents and commute to Georgetown at any point in the academic year will receive an adjusted allowance for living expenses in the cost of attendance used to determine need-based aid eligibility. 

Paying Off-campus Housing, Food & Other Non-billed Costs: Financial aid is disbursed to eligible student’s Georgetown billing accounts. If the financial aid credited to the Georgetown bill is greater than the University charges that will be posted to the bill, and if the aid disbursed to that account will be used to pay for educational expenses that are not going to be billed by Georgetown (e.g., off-campus rent or non-GU-meal plan food or books), then the student can obtain a refund from a credit balance on a GU billing account to pay for those non-billed educational expenses.  Refunds of financial aid funding may not be used for non-educational expenses.  For information on how to set up a refund profile and request a refund, students can visit the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables’ (student billing office) website . Students can contact their OSFS counselor if they have questions about budgeting for educational costs or whether they should take a refund of a credit balance from their billing account.

Reporting Changed Financial Circumstances or Special Expenses:  Students may be eligible for additional need-based financial aid if there has been a substantive change in family finances that was not reported on the initial financial aid application(s).  Typical examples of such changes include significant reductions in reported income or assets due to illness, death, accident, unemployment, or business failure, or significant amounts of unreimbursed medical expenses or uninsured losses.  Requests for reconsideration of aid eligibility based on changed financial circumstances are regularly reviewed by the OSFS throughout each aid cycle. Undergraduates can request an additional review of financial aid eligibility by completing a “Changes to Reported Information” form that is available on the OSFS website

Also, some students may have extraordinary expenses that can be added to the standard educational cost of attendance that is used to determine financial aid eligibility;  typical examples include documented costs of childcare, or unreimbursed student health insurance premiums or unexpected costs for computer repair or replacement; students with disabilities may have special expenses related to their health care or living arrangements that can be recognized in calculating their need for assistance.   

Students are encouraged to discuss any financial concerns with a counselor in the Office of Student Financial Services to explore the options available to meet their changed or special financial circumstances.

Requesting Federal Dependency Status Adjustment: The U.S. Department of Education determines each student’s dependency status, for the purpose of federal financial aid funding, based on the information an aid applicant provides on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The factors that determine dependency status for federal financial aid purposes are explained at the Dependency Status page on the U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website . Eligible students may submit a request to have their dependency status overridden from “dependent” to “independent” for the purpose of determining eligibility for federal financial aid funds. Such requests for reconsideration of dependency status can only be approved in certain limited unusual circumstances and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

An applicant’s dependency status for the purpose of eligibility for federal student aid programs may differ from the status for receiving need-based Georgetown Scholarship assistance, where the requirement for parent information is typically not waived absent very limited special circumstances.  Applicants who believe they may qualify for a dependency override may contact a counselor in the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) for additional guidance.

Changes in Enrollment Status Impact Aid Eligibility:   Students who change their enrollment status from full time to part time in any semester, or students who withdraw from the University prior to the end of a semester will typically become eligible for less financial aid than students who remain enrolled full time for an entire academic year. New Direct Loans can not be offered after an applicant drops below half-time, or ceases enrollment. Students considering making a change in their enrollment status should contact the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) to determine what impact an enrollment change will have on their eligibility for financial assistance.

Policies on Receipt of Outside Resources – Scholarships & Benefits:  Students who receive an outside grant or scholarship, or a tuition, military, veteran, or other educational benefit or third-party payment must report the type and amount of that financial resource to Georgetown by going online to their Georgetown GU Experience (new window) account and navigating to the “Award Information” then to the “Resources/Additional Information” tabs.

Under federal law and university policy, Georgetown must consider these outside financial resources in assessing financial need and eligibility for aid, and may be required to revise financial aid eligibility in some cases. 

Adjusting Georgetown Need-Based Aid for External Resources:  Most external/outside awards (with a few exceptions noted below) may be used to reduce (where possible) the student’s expected contribution, and/or employment, and/or student loans before an adjustment must be made in the student’s Georgetown Scholarship eligibility.  In cases where the total amount of a student’s external/outside scholarships and benefits exceeds the amount of adjustments that can be made to the expected student contribution, and/or student work, and/or student loan, the external/outside resource will reduce the student’s eligibility for Georgetown Scholarship aid.  

Eligibility Adjustments for GU TAP benefits: For undergraduate students receiving Georgetown University Scholarship, Georgetown Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) benefits will replace Georgetown Scholarships on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits determines eligibility for the Georgetown Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).

Eligibility Adjustments for External Tuition Benefits: Tuition benefits external to Georgetown are considered a financial resource for meeting college costs and may impact eligibility for other need-based financial aid.  Students may contact their counselor in the OSFS to discuss how an external tuition benefit will impact eligibility for other need-based financial aid.

Eligibility Adjustments for Military & Veterans Benefits:  The OSFS works closely with Georgetown’s Military & Veterans Resource Center to help eligible military-connected students learn about the resources available to them for meeting college costs.  To determine if they qualify for military or veteran educational benefits and to ask any other questions regarding eligibility, students should first contact the Military & Veterans Resource Center .  Once eligibility for military or veterans funding has been determined, students may contact their OSFS counselor to learn what additional need-based financial aid (including Georgetown scholarship) they may be eligible to receive.  

Eligibility Adjustments for External Awards to Student-Athletes:  Under NCAA rules student-athletes must report to Georgetown all external resources/awards and must also report the criteria under which the student-athlete was given the award, e.g. athletic talent, academic merit, and/or financial need.  If athletic participation is any component of the external award criteria, or the selection process, the external award must count against the student-athlete’s NCAA team limits, so the student-athlete’s ability to accept the external award will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Athletics in consultation with the OSFS.

Eligibility Adjustments for GU Resident Assistant (RA) Benefits: Georgetown currently compensates RAs with billing credits for full room costs and a meal plan; some receive allowances for book expenses. Federal law and university policy require that the value of an RA’s benefits/compensation paid in this way must be considered when determining eligibility for other need-based financial aid funding. Currently, the value of RA benefits/compensation received is used first (where possible) to decrease the expected student contribution/responsibility, then to reduce/replace student loans and/or Federal Work-Study student employment, before any adjustment is made to Georgetown Scholarship eligibility.  Students with questions about how being an RA will impact eligibility for need-based financial aid may contact their counselor in the OSFS.

Students may contact their counselor in the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) for guidance on how the receipt of an outside financial resource, scholarship, or benefit will impact their eligibility for other need-based financial aid eligibility.

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Student Responsibilities for Monitoring GU E-mail & GU Experience

The GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) helps students and their families determine what aid they might be eligible to receive from dozens of college financial aid and financing programs, and by managing award disbursements that are in compliance with each sponsor’s rules and regulations. The OSFS expects students to be active partners in that process and to take personal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the financial aid applications and award disbursements that are managed on their behalf by the OSFS.

The OSFS emails official notices about the processing of aid and financing applications, changes in aid eligibility, and financial aid disbursements to student’s official Georgetown University email addresses.  Students are expected to monitor their GU email, including their SPAM folders, on a regular basis and must take prompt action when appropriate in response to notices sent by the GU OSFS.

Students are also expected to monitor their financial aid applications & changes in eligibility, aid disbursements, and University billing statements on a regular basis via Georgetown’s GU Experience student services portal to their online accounts. At the portal students can view whether a required form or document is missing from their financial aid record, learn how to take appropriate corrective action to resolve the issue quickly, accept or reject any aid offered so that it can be disbursed, monitor that all of their financial aid awards have been paid to their student billing account, and view their current student billing account balance.

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Financial Aid Program Descriptions

Many of the financial aid programs offered by Georgetown University to help students meet college costs are briefly described below. Visit the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) website  for the most current detailed information about these financial aid programs, who is eligible, and how to apply for them.

Need-Based Georgetown Scholarships:  Each year Georgetown University offers eligible undergraduates need-based scholarships that range in value from $1,000 to more than $85,000 per year, depending on the student’s demonstrated financial need.  

A portion of the institutional scholarship assistance Georgetown awards to eligible undergraduates is funded by the generous gifts of University benefactors. Without this support from alumni and friends of the University, Georgetown would not be able to continue to meet the full financial need of all our aid applicants.  Named scholarships are offered to students who are eligible for Georgetown scholarship assistance who also meet the additional selection preferences specified by donors. Applicants are considered for these scholarships when they complete the standard Georgetown financial aid applications for need-based aid.  There is no additional application process (beyond the applications required to apply for need-based financial aid) for these named Georgetown scholarships because they are awarded solely based on demonstrated financial need.

Many of our donors take a personal interest in the students who receive named scholarships funded by their gifts. Students selected for named Georgetown scholarships may be asked to write a letter of appreciation to the donor of the scholarship fund, or to attend events to acknowledge the generosity of the donor. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in these activities in support of continued fundraising for the University’s financial aid programs.

Federal Grants:  Federal Pell Grants are awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to students determined to have significant financial need.  The amount of each individual grant award depends on federal funding, and the student’s financial eligibility and enrollment status.   Students apply for the Federal Pell Grant by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Georgetown receives a small allocation of Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) funds from the U.S. Department of Education each year. These funds are awarded to students with the greatest financial need, most of whom will also be Federal Pell Grant recipients. FSEOG funds are used in conjunction with Georgetown University scholarship funds to meet the need for undergraduate scholarship assistance. 

State Grants: Students residing in certain states that offer portable funding may be eligible to receive state grants for study at Georgetown University. Most states provide information about application procedures and deadlines to high school guidance offices, and further information is available from each state’s education agency.

ROTC Scholarships:  Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) scholarships are available for up to four years of undergraduate study at Georgetown University. The Army ROTC program is based at Georgetown University, and students may participate in the Air Force and Navy programs through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. For more information contact the U.S. Air Force Detachment 130 AFROTC at Howard University, the U.S. Army Hoya Battalion ROTC at Georgetown University, or the U.S. Navy NROTC at The George Washington University.

External Outside Scholarships: Many philanthropic organizations and others offer scholarships for college study. To learn more about these opportunities, visit the page on the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) website  that has links to several free online external outside scholarship search engines.

Tuition Benefits:  Many employers offer to pay all or part of the college tuition of their employees and their dependents. Typically, the organization’s personnel or human resources office can provide information about these resources.  Georgetown provides tuition benefits to eligible University employees for various types of educational expenses. Applications and further information about Georgetown’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) are available from the GU Office of Faculty & Staff Benefits .

Military & Veterans Educational Benefits:  There are a wide range of resources available to military-affiliated students pursuing higher education, including VA education benefits & the Yellow Ribbon program. Further information about these opportunities and eligibility is available from the Georgetown University Military & Veterans Resource Center .

Student Employment & Federal Work-Study:  Currently enrolled students who wish to work part-time during the academic year, or full-time during the summer, can obtain employment through the Georgetown University Student Employment Office (SEO)

Georgetown participates in the need-based Federal Work-Study (FWS) program, which ensures employment opportunities for eligible students by providing a federal subsidy to the earnings paid to program participants by their employers. Many Federal Work-Study jobs offer opportunities for  earning funds to pay educational costs while doing work related to a student’s academic interests and/or community service

Georgetown also offers an Employment Referral Service (ERS) for currently enrolled students seeking on and off-campus employment who are not eligible for need-based Federal Work-Study funding.  For more information visit the GU Student Employment Office (SEO) website .

Federal Direct Student Loans:  The subsidized Federal Direct Loan Program is available for undergraduates only; interest on the loan is paid by the federal government and repayment is deferred as long as the student remains in school on at least a half-time basis. Unsubsidized Direct Loans are also available for students who are not eligible for the need-based federal interest subsidy. Visit the OSFS website  for information about current program rules and interest rates.

Federal Nursing Student Loans:  Georgetown offers these loans to undergraduate nursing majors who demonstrate exceptional financial need. No interest accrues while the borrower remains in school on at least a half-time basis.  Visit the OSFS website for information about current program rules and interest rates.

Federal Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS):  Under this federally sponsored program, each year parents may borrow an amount up to the full cost of attendance at Georgetown minus all other financial aid the student is receiving.  If the student is receiving no need-based aid the parent may borrow an amount up to the full cost of attendance for that year. Visit the OSFS website  for information about current program rules and interest rates.

Georgetown Loans:   These loans can be offered to undergraduate transfer students who are enrolled at least half-time, demonstrate financial need, and are not in default on a federal loan.  No interest accrues and repayment is deferred while the borrower remains in school on at least a half-time basis.  Visit the OSFS website  (new window) for information about current program rules and interest rates.

Private Education Loans:  Private education loans are offered by many lending institutions to assist students and their families with meeting college expenses. Students considering a private education loan program should carefully review the terms and conditions of the loan, as they vary depending on the loan provider.  The maximum amount a student may borrow per academic period is the total cost of attendance minus all financial aid received. If the student is receiving no need-based aid an amount up to the full cost of attendance for that year may be borrowed. It is recommended that borrowers utilize their potential federal student and parent loan eligibility prior to exploring private education loan options.  Visit the OSFS website  for information about current program rules and interest rates.

GU Monthly Payment Plans:  Through Georgetown University’s monthly payment plans, all or a portion of the cost of attendance may be paid in monthly scheduled installments.  Visit the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables website  for more information about Georgetown’s monthly payment plans.

Tuition Insurance:  The A.W.G. Dewar Company offers students the opportunity to insure their payments to the University for billable charges. This significantly extends the University’s refund policies for insured students who withdraw from the University. Participation in this program is optional. Further information about the costs of this optional insurance and coverage under the plan can be obtained by visiting the Dewar Company website .

Georgetown University Emergency Loans & Advances on Anticipated Refunds of Credit Balances:  To assist currently enrolled Georgetown students meet unanticipated expenses in exceptional circumstances, the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables administers these programs, in consultation with the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS). Typically, only one loan or advance is allowed per semester.  Approved disbursements are charged directly to the student’s billing account record and if they are not repaid or are not reimbursed by future aid disbursements then they are subject to the service charges imposed on outstanding balances due to the University. Applications and additional information may be obtained from the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables .

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Financial Aid & GU Billing Accounts

Financial Aid Eligibility Notices & Budgeting Costs and Aid:  Students who apply for financial aid receive a financial aid eligibility notice from the GU Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS). All students can view their financial aid notices online using their Georgetown NETID and password to login to their Georgetown GU Experience account. The financial aid eligibility notice is not a University billing statement. The financial aid notice reports the financial assistance a student is eligible to receive for the academic terms indicated, based on the average cost of education at Georgetown and an expected contribution/responsibility from the student and his/her family toward those expenses. 

Students should use the information in the financial aid notice to plan how they will pay the amount owed to the University as reflected in the billing statement they receive from the University Office of Revenue and Receivables (known as “direct expenses”), plus any other educational expenses not included in the University’s bill (known as “indirect expenses”), e.g., rent for non-University housing, costs for food if not enrolled in a full University meal plan, books, supplies, personal expenses.

GU Billing Statements:  Students who indicate an intention to enroll at Georgetown by paying an enrollment deposit or pre-registering for classes will be billed by the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables . Bills are typically issued in June for the fall semester and November for the spring semester. Electronic copies of student bills are posted online in Georgetown’s GU Experience student services portal. An email notification is sent to the student when a new or revised bill is posted to the portal. Each student’s bill should include tuition charges and required fees, as well as other charges such as health insurance or on-campus housing or GU meal plans. Bills should also include credits for financial aid funds the student may be eligible to receive.

Financial Aid Credited to GU Billing Account: With the exception of Federal Work-Study employment earnings (which are paid by payroll check as earned), enrolled students who have accepted their offered financial aid funds, and have completed all requirements for the disbursement of the aid offers they have accepted, will have their aid credited to their student billing account.

Student Employment Earnings Are Not Credited to GU Billing Account:  Student employment earnings (including those subsidized through the Federal Work-Study program) are not credited to student billing accounts but are instead paid directly to the student by payroll check for hours worked.  Many students use their earnings to pay for non-billed educational expenses like books and supplies or personal education-related expenses.   Expected future earnings from student employment will not appear as credits against the balance due on the University’s billing statement and students may not subtract these expected resources when computing the amount that must be paid to the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables by the announced payment due dates.

About “Memoed” or Estimated Credits for Pending Aid: Credits for pending financial aid that has not disbursed/paid to the billing account, perhaps because aid offered has not yet been accepted by the student in the GU Experience student portal, or because other aid disbursement requirements have not been met, will appear on the bill as “memo items”. Credits for financial aid in “memo” status indicates that additional actions must be taken, either by the student and/or the sponsor of the aid, before the aid funds can actually be disbursed/paid to the student’s billing account.

“Memoed” estimated financial aid items on the bill may temporarily reduce the amount the student must pay by each semester’s payment deadline, but they cannot be credited in full to the student’s billing account until all requirements for disbursement/payment have been met.

One important example of a disbursement requirement is the federal government’s rule that students must officially “accept” their financial aid offers before aid payments can be credited to their student billing accounts.  Even if a student intends to request an additional review of their aid eligibility to obtain more assistance, pending aid offers must be accepted via the GU Experience student services portal (new window) so that at least the aid offered to date can be paid to their student billing account.

Another example of a financial aid disbursement requirement that must be met before memoed aid can be disbursed/paid to a student bill is the rule that federal student loan borrowers must complete “entrance” counseling; until the student borrower completes “entrance” counseling, the loan funds will appear on the billing account as a “memo”; after the requirement is completed the loan proceeds can actually be disbursed/paid to the student’s billing account. 

Memoed aid may be canceled if a student’s eligibility changes, or if the requirements for aid disbursement/payment have not been met by the student, and any resulting amounts due to the University must be paid by the student by the payment deadline to avoid service charges on the unpaid balance.

Removal of Undisbursed/Unpaid Aid from Bills: Undisbursed/unpaid Fall semester aid is removed from billing statements on October 1st; undisbursed/unpaid Spring semester aid is removed from billing statements on March 1st. After pending undisbursed/unpaid financial aid is removed from billing statements, any resulting amounts due to the University, including amounts that were previously covered by a memoed financial aid item, must be paid in full at that time or will be subject to service charges.  Financial aid recipients may consult with their financial aid counselors in the GU Office of Student Financial Services if they need advice on how to manage an outstanding balance that becomes due when undisbursed aid is removed from their billing account.

External Grants, Scholarships, and Benefits: Enrolled students who have reported their outside-sponsored grants, scholarships, and benefits to the Office of Student Financial Services will receive an actual or estimated credit on their bills for any payments received or reported. Some outside-sponsored payments may appear on a student’s billing statement as “estimated” if the sponsor has not yet sent the payment to Georgetown, pending confirmation of enrollment or grades. Credit for still pending/unpaid Fall semester payments will be removed from the bill on October 1st; credit for still pending/unpaid Spring semester payments will be removed from the bill on March 1st; any resulting balances payable to the University (including amounts due that were previously covered by an estimated external award) must be paid in full at that time or will be subject to service charges.

Third Party Billings:  If all or a portion of a student’s bill will be paid by an outside third party that requires a bill before it will pay (e.g., a government agency, embassy, or corporation), then students must present authorization to bill to the GU Office of Revenue and Receivables . If the documentation presented includes proper authorization to bill, the Office of Revenue and Receivables will send an invoice to the third party to collect the appropriate payment on behalf of the student.

Late Financial Aid Applications and Payment Deadlines: Students who fail to submit a timely and complete financial aid application well before the student billing account payment deadlines may be subject to a non-payment fee and/or service charges on the balance due to the University, even if they are later found to be eligible for financial aid after the payment deadlines.  A financial aid award that is less than the student or family expected, or a pending request for additional financial aid due to special circumstances typically does not excuse the student from making payment in full by the payment due date.

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Financial Aid & the IRS

U.S. Citizens—Taxable Aid:  Under current law some forms of financial aid may be considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The amount of a student’s total scholarships/fellowships that exceed the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment is generally considered by the IRS to be taxable income. Information about what to report to the IRS and how to report it can be found on the IRS website and in the IRS tax topic#421 .

Disbursements under the Federal Work-Study Program are earned income and as such are subject to federal, state, and local tax withholding. Students employed by Georgetown University will receive a W-2 form documenting all earnings at Georgetown (including Federal Work-Study Program earnings) and any taxes withheld, and students must report those earnings as income on federal, state, and local tax returns where appropriate. Students who do not have to pay taxes may be eligible for a refund of taxes previously withheld from earnings. Students should consult their tax advisors for guidance.

U.S. Citizens—Tax Benefits for Education:  U.S. tax benefits may be available to help eligible families save for, or pay, education costs. The annual IRS Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education describes the most current benefits available, including tax credits to reduce the amount of taxes paid, and deductions for certain eligible education expenses. Students should consult their tax advisors for further information.

Requirements for Payments Made to Students Who Are Non-U.S. Citizens:  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires special tax treatment and reporting of payments made to non-U.S. citizens. Students who are not citizens of the United States and who receive financial assistance, scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, or compensation for services performed are subject to IRS withholding and/or reporting requirements.  Students should consult their tax advisors for further information.  Questions about Georgetown University payments made to non-U.S. citizens may be directed to the Georgetown University Tax Department .  The GU Tax Department is responsible for setting up Non Resident Aliens (NRA) in the Georgetown payroll and accounts payable systems to allow for applicable treaty benefits and ensure proper withholding and tax reporting on payments but does not provide personal income tax advice. Students should consult their tax advisors for guidance.

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