Advanced Credit

Georgetown participates in the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. College credit and/or course exemptions can be awarded to students with qualifying scores. Applicants who seek advanced credit or placement based on AP or IB exams should authorize the release of their scores to Georgetown University during the summer prior to enrollment. For any IB subjects that receive credit, credit is only awarded for IB Higher Level exams. No credit is awarded for IB Standard Level exams.
If a student has both AP scores and IB scores eligible for credit in the same subject, the student may apply credit from the AP exam or the IB exam, but not both.
Students taught college-level courses by high school faculty are not eligible for credit in those courses, but are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Examinations in order to be considered for credit. Students who have had occasion to take regular college courses while in high school should submit an official college transcript for evaluation prior to enrollment.
Students who are enrolled in joint high school/college programs (taking college courses on college campuses while working concurrently for high school and college credit) are advised to apply as first year students, but should not expect credit for more than four courses. Participation in such programs will not significantly shorten the length of a degree program at Georgetown.
Georgetown’s specific advanced credit policies are articulated below:
- Credit Transfer for International Programs
- Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Policies
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Policies
Credit Transfer for International Programs
Credit awards for international programs will vary by school and by subject. Students should contact their appropriate Dean’s Office for further information.
- French Baccalauréat: must receive a grade of 15 or better. Credit is awarded only for subjects in which an épreuve terminale (national examination) has been taken. No credit is awarded for the Grand Oral. Language credit is awarded based on placement and the successful completion of an appropriate course at Georgetown.
- Italian Maturitá: must receive minimum grade of 8 on transcript for credit to be awarded and must receive minimum of 70 (100 is highest grade) on the overall maturitá for credit to be awarded. No credit is awarded for English. Language credit is awarded based on placement and the successful completion of an appropriate course at Georgetown.
- British A-levels: must receive grade of A or better for credit to be awarded. Language credit is awarded based on placement and the successful completion of an appropriate course at Georgetown. No credit is awarded for British AS-levels.
- German Abitur: must receive minimum grade of 11 (on 1–15 scale, with 15 being the highest), or gut if no numerical grade is assigned, for credit to be awarded. Credit is only awarded for those subjects in which the student took either a written or oral Abitur exam and the results of those exams determine whether or not credit is awarded. No credit is awarded for English.
- Cambridge Pre-U: must receive minimum grade of D3 or better for credit to be awarded.
Other international high school programs and diplomas will be evaluated for transfer credit on a case-by-case basis. Final credit will be determined by the program in which students matriculate and upon departmental review.
2024-2025 Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Policy
Georgetown’s Advanced Placement Examination Policy reflects the different graduation requirements of the undergraduate schools by making awards based on the student’s school and major. The policy is listed by test below. Georgetown does not award exemption or credit for a score of 1, 2, or 3, and it does not award sophomore standing, although there is no limit to the number of credits that can be awarded. The credits awarded are translated into Georgetown courses at a rate of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 credits per course. These credits and courses can be used to graduate early. For transfers, qualified scores will be considered during the credit evaluation process along with their college courses. Students are advised to consult with their faculty advisor or Dean’s Office as to how the award affects course selection. If a student takes a course for which Advanced Placement credit has been received, then the student loses the Advanced Placement credit previously awarded for that course. This policy is reviewed annually in consultation with the deans and the academic departments and is subject to change.
In the field of languages, the results of the Advanced Placement Examinations are considered together with the results of Georgetown placement examinations. The placement examinations are administered during New Student Orientation in the fall and are necessary if a student wants to be considered for course exemption and college credit. Credit for AP exams in foreign languages will only be awarded upon successful completion of an appropriate course in that language at Georgetown. In order to correctly identify the appropriate course, please see the specific text below for each language exam.
The tests are listed in alphabetical order. Course titles follow the course numbers. Course descriptions can be found online through the Georgetown Course Catalog. School codes used below are as follows:
- CAS: Georgetown College of Arts & Sciences
- SFS: Walsh School of Foreign Service
- MSB: McDonough School of Business
- SOH: School of Health
- SON: School of Nursing
African American Studies Students with a score of 4 or 5 will earn three credits. Black Studies majors may apply these credits to the major as a lower level (1000-level) non-concentration elective. Black Studies minors may apply these credits to the minor as a lower level (1000-level) elective.
Art History For a score of 4 or 5, students will receive three credits. Art History majors and minors with this credit are excused from taking one distribution course. Art History majors need an additional nine courses to complete the major. Art History minors need an additional five courses to complete the minor. This credit does not apply to the non-Europe/U.S. requirements for distribution courses. Note that AP credit in Art History will not fulfill the core Humanities: Art, Literature and Culture (HALC) requirement.
Art Studio Portfolios
Art Studio Drawing For a score of 5, the student will receive three credits for ARTS-1100 (Drawing I); however, this credit will not fulfill the student’s core Humanities: Arts, Literature and Culture requirement. For a score of 4, the student will not receive credit but will receive a waiver for ARTS-1100 (Drawing I).
Art Studio 2 D and 3 D Design For a score of 5 on either exam, the student will receive three credits for ARTS-1600 (Design I); however, this credit will not fulfill the student’s core Humanities: Arts, Literature and Culture requirement. For a score of 4, the student will not receive credit but will receive a waiver for ARTS-1600 (Design I).
For students who receive scores of 5 on all three studio exams, a maximum of six credits will be awarded for ARTS-1100 (Drawing I) and ARTS-1600 (Design I); however, these credits will not fulfill the student’s core Humanities: Arts, Literature and Culture requirement.
Biology Students with a score of 4 or 5 will earn three or four credits respectively. For all students, credit for AP Biology cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
For most CAS students, these credits count as a free elective. For SOH Health Care Management & Policy and Global Health majors, these credits count as a free elective. SON Nursing and SOH Human Science majors are required to take HSCI-1030 and 1040 (Human Biology I and II). For SFS students, these credits count as a free elective and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs. For MSB students, these credits count toward a liberal arts elective requirement.
Majors in the Department of Biology (including Biology, Biology of Global Health, Neurobiology, and Environmental Biology) with an AP score of 5 will earn two credits applied to the total credits required for the major. Majors with an AP score of 4 will receive one credit applied to the total credits required for the major. Regardless of AP score, all majors are required to take BIOL-1203/1213 (Foundations in Biology I with laboratory) and BIOL-1204/1214 (Foundations in Biology II with laboratory).
For students who score a 4 or 5 on both the AP Biology exam and the AP Environmental Science exam, credit will only be awarded once. Students may apply credit from one of the AP exams or the IB exam but not both. Note that majors in Neurobiology are not eligible to receive credit towards the major for the Environmental Science exam. Credit for the AP Biology exam is not applicable toward the Biology minor.
Capstone: Research & Seminar No credit is awarded for this coursework.
Chemistry Students with a score of 5 will receive three credits. This credit cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
For CAS students, these credits count as a free elective. These credits do not count toward a science major or minor or pre-med requirements. Chemistry or Biochemistry majors will take CHEM-1300 (Majors General Chemistry I) and CHEM-1305 (Majors General Chemistry Lab I) in the fall term. All other science and pre-med students who plan to continue their study of chemistry should take CHEM-1100/1105 (General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Lab I) in the fall term.
For SOH and SON students, these credits count as a free elective. Human Science majors are required to take CHEM-1100/1105 (General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Lab I).
For SFS students, these credits count as a free elective and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs.
For MSB students, these credits count toward the liberal arts elective requirement.
Chinese Students with a score of 4 or 5 who place beyond CHIN-1512 (Intensive Second Level Chinese II) on the Chinese placement test (Parts I and II) are eligible for credit. In order to receive six credits for CHIN-1512 and be exempted from Intensive First Level and Intensive Second Level Chinese, these students must then enroll in and successfully complete CHIN-2001 or a more advanced Chinese course at Georgetown. For CAS students, this credit will satisfy the core requirement in language. Students who place into CHIN-1512 or below, as well as students who opt not to take CHIN-2001 or above at Georgetown, will not receive credit.
Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles No credit or advanced placement is awarded for these examinations.
Economics For a score of 5 on the Microeconomics exam, the student will receive three credits for ECON-1001 (Principles of Microeconomics). For a score of 5 on the Macroeconomics exam, the student will receive three credits for ECON-1002 (Principles of Macroeconomics). Students with a score of 5 on both of the AP exams may proceed to upper level courses and cannot take any of the principles courses (ECON-1001, 1002 and 1003). Students with a score of 5 on only one of the AP exams normally take the other principles course. If a student with AP credit takes ECON-1003 (Principles of Economics: Macro and Micro), they will forfeit the AP credit in economics and take one additional ECON elective for an Economics major or minor.
CAS students with a strong high school background in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics and/or who have taken both AP Economics courses but did not score a 5 on either of the AP exams are encouraged to take ECON-1003 and take one additional ECON elective for an Economics major or minor.
SFS students who take ECON-1003 are required to take two additional ECON courses to complete the 3-course ECON requirement in the SFS core. ECON-1003 is recommended only to students with a strong background in Economics and Mathematics.
MSB students with a score of a 4 on both exams (Macro and Micro) may take ECON-1003 and one additional ECON course (ECON-2101 or 2102) to complete their one year of required Economics.
English (either exam) Students with a score of 5 receive three credits for WRIT-1150 (Writing and Culture Seminar). For students with a score of 5 on both exams, credit will only be awarded once.
Environmental Science Students with a score of 4 or 5 will earn three or four credits respectively. For all students, credit for AP Environmental Science cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
For SOH, SON and most CAS students, these credits count as a free elective. For SFS students, these credits count as a free elective and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs. For MSB students, these credits count toward a liberal arts elective requirement.
Majors in the Department of Biology (including Biology, Biology of Global Health, and Environmental Biology) with an AP score of 5 will receive two credits applied to the total credits required for the major. Majors with an AP score of 4 will receive one credit applied to the total credits required for the major. Majors in Neurobiology will not be granted credit towards the major for the AP Environmental Science exam, although they will receive elective credit toward their degree. All majors are required to take BIOL-1203/1213 (Foundations in Biology I with laboratory) and BIOL-1204/1214 (Foundations in Biology II with laboratory).
Majors in Environment & Sustainability will receive three credits toward the major for a score of 4 or four credits toward the major for a score of 5.
For students who score a 4 or 5 on both the AP Biology exam and the AP Environmental Science exam, credit will only be awarded once. Students may apply credit from one of the AP exams or the IB exam but not both. Credit for the AP Environmental Science Exam is not applicable toward the Biology minor.
French For a score of 4 or 5, non-language majors are eligible to receive up to six credits for FREN-2001 (Advanced French I) and FREN-2002 (Advanced French II). In order to receive three credits for FREN-2001, a student must place into and successfully complete FREN 2002. In order to receive six credits for FREN-2001 and FREN-2002, a student must place into and successfully complete Advanced French Grammar and Writing (FREN-2551) or above. Students who plan to enroll in FREN-2002 or FREN-2551 (or above) must take the online placement exam to confirm that they are enrolling in the correct course. Students who place into or take FREN-2001 (or below), as well as students who opt not to continue French coursework at Georgetown, will not receive AP credit.
For a score of 4 or 5, language majors are eligible to receive up to ten credits for FREN-2011 (Intensive Advanced French I) and FREN-2012 (Intensive Advanced French II). In order to receive five credits for FREN-2011, a student must place into and successfully complete FREN-2012. In order to receive ten credits for FREN-2011 and FREN-2012, a student must place into and successfully complete FREN-3350 (Reading Texts in the French-Speaking World: Cultures) or FREN-3351 (Reading Texts in the French-Speaking World: Literature). Students who plan to enroll in FREN-2012, FREN-3350, or FREN-3351 must take the online placement exam to confirm that they are enrolling in the correct course. Students who place into or take FREN-2011 (or below), as well as students who opt not to continue French coursework at Georgetown, will not receive AP credit.
German For a score of 4 or 5, students are eligible to receive up to six credits for GERM-2001 (Advanced German I) and GERM-2002 (Advanced German II). In order to receive three credits for GERM-2001, a student must place into and successfully complete GERM-2002. In order to receive six credits for GERM-2001 and GERM-2002, a student must place into and successfully complete one level IV course (GERM-3000 or above). For German majors, in order to receive six credits for GERM-2001 and GERM-2002, a student must place into the high end of Level IV and successfully complete one level IV course (GERM-3000 or above). Students who place into or take GERM-2001 (or below), as well as students who opt not to continue German coursework at Georgetown, will not receive credit.
Placement is determined by departmental placement exam. Incoming students are strongly encouraged to take the exam online during the summer. Students who are interested in placing out of the language requirement without taking additional German coursework at Georgetown must take the second part of the placement exam during New Student Orientation.
Government—American Government No credit is awarded for this examination. However, students who earn a score of 4 or 5 qualify for advanced placement should they decide to major or minor in Government. This means they may choose to take a sequential course in American Politics to satisfy the foundational requirement typically filled by GOVT-1200 (US Political Systems). These courses are marked with the “College/GOVT AmPol Seq” attribute in the Schedule of Classes. Students with a score of 4 or 5 are permitted to take GOVT-1200 if they prefer.
Government—Comparative Politics No credit is awarded for this examination.
History—European and World History CAS students with a score of 4 on the AP exam in European History or World History receive no credit but place out of HIST-1099. They should complete their core history requirement with any two HIST courses except HIST-1099. CAS students with a score of 5 on either exam receive three credits toward their core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. These students should complete the requirement by taking any other HIST course. CAS students with scores of 5 on both exams receive six credits and have no further history requirements. CAS students with AP credit for history may not take HIST-1099 or they will forfeit the AP credit.
SFS students with a score of 4 on the AP exam in European or World History receive no credit but place out of HIST-1099. They should take any History course to replace HIST-1099 in the SFS core. SFS students with a score of 5 on either exam receive credit toward their introductory core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. These students are still required to take two additional history courses. One of these courses must examine early history. SFS students with scores of 5 on both exams receive credit toward their introductory core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. They also receive three free elective credits and are still required to complete two additional SFS core history courses, of which one must examine early history. SFS students who receive AP credit for history may not take HIST-1099 or they will forfeit the AP credit.
MSB students with a score of 5 on the AP exam in European History or World History receive three credits and have fulfilled one semester of their History/Government/Classics/International Affairs requirement. MSB students with scores of 5 on both exams will receive six credits and have fulfilled their two-semester History/Government/Classics/International Affairs requirement.
SOH and SON students with a score of 5 on the AP exam in European History or World History will receive three credits toward a free elective. SOH and SON students with scores of 5 on both exams will receive six credits toward two free electives.
History—United States No credit or exemptions are awarded for this examination.
Human Geography No credit is awarded for this examination.
Italian For a score of 4 or 5, students are eligible for up to ten credits for ITAL-2011 (Intensive Advanced Italian I) and ITAL-2012 (Intensive Advanced Italian II). In order to receive five credits for ITAL-2011, a student must place into and successfully complete ITAL-2012. In order to receive ten credits for ITAL-2011 and ITAL-2012, a student must place into and successfully complete any course in Italian numbered 2031 or above. Students who place into ITAL-2011 or below, as well as students who opt not to continue Italian coursework at Georgetown, will not receive AP credit. Placement is determined by the departmental placement exam.
Japanese Students with a score of 4 or 5 who place beyond JAPN-1512 (Intensive Second Level Japanese II) on the Japanese placement test administered during New Student Orientation are eligible for credit. In order to receive six credits for JAPN-1512 and be exempted from Intensive First Level and Intensive Second Level Japanese, these students must place into and successfully complete JAPN-2001 or a more advanced Japanese course at Georgetown. For CAS students, this credit will satisfy the core requirement in language. Students who place into JAPN-1512 or below, as well as students who opt not to take JAPN-2001 or above at Georgetown, will not receive credit.
Latin For a score of 4 or 5, students are eligible to receive four credits for CLSL-1511 (Intermediate Latin). In order to receive credit for Intermediate Latin, a student must place into and successfully complete one course in Latin (CLSL) at the 2000-level or above. Placement is determined by the departmental placement exam. Students who place into or take CLSL-1011/1012 or CLSL-1511, as well as students who opt not to continue Latin coursework at Georgetown, will not receive AP credit.
Mathematics—Calculus AB A student who scores a 5 on the Calculus AB exam will receive four credits for MATH-1350 (Calculus I) unless the student took the Calculus BC exam and received a 5 on the latter. For MSB students, a 5 will fulfill the one semester Calculus requirement. For the CAS, SFS, SOH and SON, AP credits in Calculus will be credited as free electives. For the SFS International Economics, International Political Economy and Global Business majors, AP credits can fulfill the Calculus prerequisite but will count as free electives and not as major course requirements. AP credit for Calculus fulfills the BSBGA Program Core Calculus requirement.
Mathematics—Calculus BC A student who scores a 4 on the Calculus BC exam will receive four credits for MATH-1350 (Calculus I). For MSB students, a 4 will fulfill the one semester Calculus requirement.
A student who scores a 5 on the Calculus BC exam will receive eight credits for MATH-1350 and 1360 (Calculus I & II). For MSB students, four credits fulfill the one semester Calculus requirement and the remaining credits will count towards the liberal arts elective requirement.
For the CAS, SFS, SOH and SON, AP credits in Calculus will be credited as free electives. For the SFS International Economics, International Political Economy and Global Business majors, AP credits can fulfill the Calculus prerequisite but will count as free electives and not as major course requirements. AP credit for Calculus fulfills the BSBGA Program Core Calculus requirement.
Mathematics—Calculus AB Subscore A student who receives an AB subscore of 5 on the BC Calculus exam is eligible to receive four credits for MATH-1350 (Calculus I) if the student has not already received this credit as a result of other Calculus exam scores.
Mathematics—Statistics For a score of 5 on the AP Statistics exam, CAS, SFS, SOH and SON students will receive four credits for MATH-1040 (Probability and Statistics) which will satisfy their core Quantitative Reasoning and Data Literacy (QRDL) requirement. For MSB students, a score of 5 will receive two credits which count as part of the MSB statistics requirement. Students with this credit will then take OPAN-1101 (Computational Business Model) for one credit and then OPAN-2102 (Business Statistics) for an additional one credit to fulfill the MSB 4-credit statistics requirement. Most MSB students will satisfy the QRDL requirement by taking ACCT-2101 (Mgmt Acct for Decision Making), a core MSB requirement.
Psychology majors who receive a 5 on the AP Statistics exam are exempt from the Statistics requirement (MATH-1040) in the Psychology major but must substitute an additional psychology elective. For SFS students, AP credits in Statistics may not be applied toward majors in International Economics, International Political Economy, Science, Technology, and International Affairs, Global Business or the BSBGA Program.
Music Theory For a score of 5, students will receive three credits for MUSC-1041 (Elements of Music; Theory 1).
Physics 1 No credit is awarded for this examination.
Physics 2 No credit is awarded for this examination.
Physics C Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism The two Physics C exams are considered separately. For a score of 5 on the Mechanics exam, the student will receive five credits for PHYS-2051 (Principles of Physics I). For a score of 5 on the Electricity & Magnetism exam, the student will receive five credits for PHYS-2052 (Principles of Physics II). For all students, credit for AP Physics cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
Physics majors with AP credit should consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Physics for appropriate placement in PHYS-2101 (Mechanics) or PHYS-2103 (Relativity and Quantum Physics). Pre-med students (other than Physics majors) should be aware that most medical schools do not consider AP credit as acceptable for the pre-med Physics requirement. To fulfill that requirement, most pre-med students forfeit their AP credits and take PHYS-2051 and PHYS-2052. They may instead choose to take PHYS-2101 (Mechanics) and PHYS-2102 (Electromagnetic Phenomena), but should note that first-years and sophomores have enrollment priority for PHYS-2101 and 2102.
For SFS students, AP credits in Physics will be credited as free electives and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs.
For SOH and SON students, these credits will count as free electives.
Psychology No credit is awarded for this examination.
Spanish (either exam) For a score of 4 or 5, students are eligible to receive up to six credits for Advanced Spanish I and II (SPAN-2003 and 2004 in the CAS, MSB, SOH and SON; SPAN-2001 and 2002 in the SFS). In order for CAS, MSB, SOH and SON students to receive three credits for SPAN-2003, a student must place into and successfully complete SPAN-2004. In order for SFS students to receive three credits for SPAN-2001, they must place into and successfully complete SPAN-2002. In order to receive six credits for SPAN-2003 and SPAN-2004 (for CAS, MSB, SOH, SON) or SPAN-2001 and SPAN-2002 (for SFS), a student must place into and successfully complete a Spanish course numbered 2161 or above. Spanish majors and minors who receive AP credit for SPAN-2004 or SPAN-2002 must take an additional elective at the 3000-level or above. Placement is determined by departmental placement exam administered during New Student Orientation. Students who place into SPAN-2001, SPAN-2003, SPAN-2011, or below, as well as students who opt not to continue Spanish coursework at Georgetown, will not receive credit.
2024-2025 International Baccalaureate (IB) Policies
For any IB subjects that receive credit (see subjects below), credit is only awarded for a score of 6 or 7 on the IB Higher Level exams. No credit is awarded for IB Standard Level exams. If a student has both AP scores and IB scores eligible for credit in the same subject, the student may apply credit from the AP exam or the IB exam, but not both.
Biology Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam will earn four credits. For all students, credit for IB Biology cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
For most CAS students, these credits count as a free elective. For SOH Health Care Management & Policy and Global Health majors, these credits count as a free elective. SON Nursing and SOH Human Science majors are required to take HSCI-1030 and 1040 (Human Biology I and II). For SFS students, these credits count as a free elective and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs. For MSB students, these credits count toward a liberal arts elective requirement.
Majors in the Department of Biology (including Biology, Biology of Global Health, Neurobiology, and Environmental Biology) with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam will receive two credits applied to the total credits required for the major. Regardless of IB score, all majors are required to take BIOL-1203/1213 (Foundations in Biology I with laboratory) and BIOL-1204/1214 (Foundations in Biology II with laboratory).
Students may apply credit from the AP exam or the IB exam, but not both. Credit for the IB Biology exam is not applicable toward the Biology minor.
Business Management No credit is awarded for this examination.
Chemistry Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam will receive three credits. This credit cannot be used toward the core Science for All requirement.
For CAS students, these credits count as a free elective. These credits do not count toward a science major or minor nor toward pre-med requirements. Chemistry or Biochemistry majors will take CHEM-1300 (Majors General Chemistry I) and CHEM-1305 (Majors General Chemistry Lab I) in the fall term. All other science and pre-med students who plan to continue their study of chemistry should take CHEM-1100/1105 (General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Lab I) in the fall term.
For SOH and SON students, these credits count as a free elective. Human Science majors are required to take CHEM-1100/1105 (General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Lab I).
For SFS students, these credits count as a free elective and may not be applied toward a major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs.
For MSB students, these credits count toward the liberal arts elective requirement.
Classical Languages For a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam, students are eligible to receive four credits for CLSL-1511 (Intermediate Latin). In order to receive credit for Intermediate Latin, a student must place into and successfully complete one course in Latin (CLSL) at the 2000-level or above. Placement is determined by the departmental placement exam. Students who place into or take CLSL-1011/1012 or CLSL-1511, as well as students who opt not to continue Latin coursework at Georgetown, will not receive IB credit.
Computer Science No credit or advanced placement is awarded for this examination.
Design Technology No credit is awarded for this examination.
Economics For a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam, the student will receive three credits for ECON-1001 (Principles of Microeconomics) and three credits for ECON-1002 (Principles of Macroeconomics). Students with this IB credit may proceed to upper level courses and cannot take any of the principles courses (ECON-1001, 1002 and 1003). If a student with IB credit takes ECON-1003 (Principles of Economics: Micro and Macro), they will forfeit the IB credit and take one additional ECON elective for an Economics major or minor.
CAS students with a strong high school background in Economics and/or who have taken IB Economics but did not score a 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam are encouraged to take ECON-1003 (Principles of Economics: Macro and Micro) and one additional ECON elective for an Economics major or minor.
SFS students who take ECON-1003 are required to take two additional ECON courses to complete the 3-course ECON requirement in the SFS core. ECON-1003 is recommended only to students with a strong background in Economics and Mathematics.
English A Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam receive three credits for WRIT-1150 (Writing and Culture Seminar).
English B No credit is awarded for this examination.
Film No credit is awarded for this examination.
Geography No credit is awarded for this examination.
Global Politics No credit is awarded for this examination.
History—Europe/Islamic World and Twentieth Century/Regional Topics CAS students with a score of 6 on the Higher Level exam in History of Europe & the Islamic World or Twentieth Century/Regional Topics receive no credit but place out of HIST-1099. They should complete their core history requirement with any two HIST courses except HIST-1099. CAS students with a score of 7 on either exam receive three credits toward their core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. These students should complete the requirement by taking any other HIST course. CAS students with scores of 7 on both exams receive six credits and have no further history requirements. CAS students with IB credit for history may not take HIST-1099 or they will forfeit the IB credit.
SFS students with a score of 6 on the Higher Level exam in History of Europe & the Islamic World or Twentieth Century/Regional Topics receive no credit but place out of HIST-1099. They should take any History course to replace HIST-1099 in the SFS core. SFS students with a score of 7 on either exam receive credit toward their introductory core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. These students are still required to take two additional history courses. One of these courses must examine early history. SFS students with scores of 7 on both exams receive credit toward their introductory core history requirement and place out of HIST-1099. They also receive three free elective credits and are still required to complete two additional SFS core history courses, of which one must examine early history. SFS students who receive IB credit for history may not take HIST-1099 or they will forfeit the IB credit.
MSB students with a score of 7 on the Higher Level exam in History of Europe & the Islamic World or Twentieth Century/Regional Topics receive three credits and have fulfilled one semester of their History/Government/Classics/International Affairs requirement. MSB students with scores of 7 on both exams will receive six credits and have fulfilled their two-semester History/Government/Classics/International Affairs requirement.
SOH and SON students with a score of 7 on the Higher Level exam in History of Europe & the Islamic World or Twentieth Century/Regional Topics will receive three credits toward a free elective. SOH and SON students with scores of 7 on both exams will receive six credits toward two free electives.
Information Technology in a Global Society No credit is awarded for this examination.
Language A Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exams in languages other than English are eligible for credit. In order to receive credit, students must place into and successfully complete an appropriate language course at Georgetown (see AP policies for specific languages above for more details). Placement is determined by departmental language placement exams.
Language B No credit is awarded for these examinations.
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches A student with a score of 7 on the Higher Level exam in Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will receive four credits for MATH-1350 (Calculus I). For MSB students, a score of 7 on the Higher Level exam will fulfill the one semester Calculus requirement. For the CAS, SFS, SOH and SON, IB credits in Calculus will be credited as free electives. For the SFS International Economics, International Political Economy and Global Business majors, IB credits can fulfill the Calculus prerequisite but will count as free electives and not as major course requirements. IB credit for Calculus fulfills the BSBGA Program Core Calculus requirement.
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations For a score of 7 on the Higher Level exam in Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations, CAS, SFS, SOH and SON students will receive four credits for MATH-1040 (Probability and Statistics) which will satisfy their core Quantitative Reasoning and Data Literacy (QRDL) requirement. For MSB students, a score of 7 will receive two credits which count as part of the MSB statistics requirement. Students with this credit will then take OPAN-1101 (Computational Business Model) for one credit and then OPAN-2102 (Business Statistics) for an additional one credit to fulfill the MSB 4-credit statistics requirement. Most MSB students will satisfy the QRDL requirement by taking ACCT-2101 (Mgmt Acct for Decision Making), a core MSB requirement.
Psychology majors who receive a 7 on the Higher Level exam in Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations are exempt from the Statistics requirement (MATH-1040) in the Psychology major but must substitute an additional psychology elective. Government majors who receive a 7 on the IB Statistics exam should NOT take GOVT-2201 else they forfeit their IB credit for Statistics. For SFS students, IB credits in Statistics may not be applied toward majors in International Economics, International Political Economy, Science, Technology, and International Affairs, Global Business or the BSBGA Program.
Music No credit is awarded for this examination.
Philosophy Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam will receive three credits for PHIL-1500 (Introduction to Philosophy). These credits satisfy half of the core requirement in philosophy. CAS, SOH and SON students must take a “bridge” ethics philosophy course (PHIL-2000–2499) to fulfill the core philosophy requirement. MSB students must take STRT-2101 to fulfill the core philosophy ethics requirement in their sophomore year. SFS students must take PHIL-1900 (Political and Social Thought) and a 2000-level PHIL course to fulfill the core philosophy requirement.
Physics No credit is awarded for this examination.
Psychology No credit is awarded for this examination.
Social & Cultural Anthropology No credit is awarded for this examination.
Sports, Exercise & Health Science No credit is awarded for this examination.
Theater No credit is awarded for this examination.
Theory of Knowledge No credit is awarded for this examination.
Visual Arts Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level exam will receive three credits for ARTS-1600 (Design I); however, this credit will not fulfill the student’s core Humanities: Arts, Literature and Culture requirement.