Leadership of Georgetown University

Aerial view of Healy Hall

Executive Leadership

Interim President
     Robert M. Groves, Ph.D.

Secretary of the University
     Marie Mattson

Interim Provost
     Soyica Diggs Colbert, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center
      William M. Treanor, J.D., Ph.D.

Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine
      Norman J. Beauchamp Jr., M.D., M.H.S.

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
David Green

Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff
Joseph Ferrara, Ph.D.

Vice President and General Counsel
     Adam Adler, J.D.

Chief Financial Officer
Hari Sastry

Senior Leadership

Senior Vice President for Research and Chief Technology Officer
     Spiros Dimolitsas, Ph.D.

Vice President for Global Engagement
Thomas Banchoff, Ph.D.

Vice President for Strategic Education Initiatives
     Randy Bass, Ph.D.

Vice President of Planning and Facilities Management
     Lisa Belokur

Vice President for Mission and Ministry
     Rev. Mark Bosco, S.J., Ph.D. 

Vice President for Faculty and Academic Affairs, Georgetown University Medical Center
Elliott Crooke, Ph.D

Vice President of Student Affairs
Eleanor J.B. Daugherty, Ed.D.

Vice President for Strategic Operations & Information Technology
Adam Donaldson

Vice President of Auxiliary Services and Real Estate
Marc Fournier

Vice President, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer  
     Rosemary Kilkenny, J.D.

Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer 
      Anthony Kinslow

Vice President for Advancement
     R. Bartley Moore

Vice President for Public Affairs and Senior Advisor to the President
     Erik Smulson

Vice President and Chief Public Health Officer and Special Assistant to the President

Vice President for Government Relations & Community Engagement

Chief Investment Officer
     Michael Barry

Dean of the Library
Harriette Hemmasi

Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Lee Reed

Senior Advisor to the President
Glen Jones

Senior Advisor to the President for Faculty Relations
Lisa Krim, J.D.

Director, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Louis M. Weiner, M.D.

Academic Leadership

College of Arts and Sciences

Interim Dean
     Andrew Sobanet, Ph.D.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

     Alexander Sens, Ph.D.

School of Medicine, 3900 Reservoir Road NW (20007)

Executive Dean for Medical Education
     Norman J. Beauchamp Jr., M.D., M.H.S.

Assistant Dean for Student Services and Registrar
     John Hammett

Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue NW (20001)

     William M. Treanor, J.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Dean and Registrar
     Cornelia Gustafson

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service

     Joel Hellman, Ph.D.

Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business

     Paul Almeida, Ph.D

School of Continuing Studies

     Kelly Otter, Ph.D.

McCourt School of Public Policy, 125 E Street NW (20001)

Interim Dean
     Thomas DeLeire, Ph.D.

School of Nursing, 3700 Reservoir Road NW (20007)

     Roberta Waite, Ed.D., M.S.N.

School of Health, 3700 Reservoir Road NW (20007)

     Christopher King, Ph.D.

Georgetown University – Qatar

     Safwan M. Masri, Ph.D.

Administrative Leadership

Admissions and Records

Dean of Admissions
     Charles A. Deacon, M.A.

Associate Vice President and University Registrar
    Annamarie J. Bianco, M.S.Ed. 

Dean of Student Financial Services
     Patricia A. McWade, M.Ed.

Georgetown University Alumni Association

Executive Director 
     Julia Farr (C’88, P19, ’21, ’24)