The Washington Consortium of Universities

Georgetown University is a member of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. The Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area , includes: American University, The Catholic University of America, Gallaudet University, George Mason University, The George Washington University, Georgetown University, Howard University, Marymount University, Montgomery College, National Defense University, National Intelligence University, Northern Virginia Community College, Prince George’s Community College, Trinity Washington University, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, University of the District of Columbia, and the University of Maryland-College Park.
Georgetown University does not participate in cross-registration with Montgomery College, National Defense University, National Intellegence University, Northern Virginia Community College, Prince George’s Community College, or Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Although the primary purpose of the Consortium is the improvement of graduate education in the District of Columbia, undergraduate students are also eligible to participate according to the regulations listed below.
General Policy
- Undergraduate students will be allowed to participate in the Consortium only to the extent that courses taken are not available at the home university.
- The student must be a degree candidate at Georgetown.
- Courses taken in the Consortium should be in the area of “enrichment.” Ordinarily, a student will not be allowed to take part of his/her major requirements at another university.
- An undergraduate student must have the written approval of their advising dean before registration through the Consortium will be allowed.
- A student must be in the junior or senior year before being allowed to register through the Consortium. It is understood that in cases involving language study (exclusive of elementary and intermediate level French, German, Russian, Spanish) first-year and sophomore students may be eligible to participate.
- Normally, a total of four Consortium courses is the maximum acceptable toward fulfilling degree requirements at Georgetown.
- Registration procedures are found on the Office of the University Registrar’s website: .
- Georgetown students are not permitted to audit Consortium courses or to elect pass/fail grading. *Please note that while consortium courses must be taken for a grade, the grade is not applied to your GPA. You will only receive credit for the course(s) taken.*
- Physical Education, Study Abroad, Non-Credit and Individualized courses such as independent study, tutorial, directed reading, private music instruction, internship, practicum and student teaching, may not be taken through the Consortium.
- Tuition for courses taken under the Consortium arrangement is assessed at the current Georgetown tuition rate and paid to Georgetown. Additional course fees may be charged by the visited institution. Dropped courses are subject to the main campus refund schedule.
Grade Transfer
- Grades received in Consortium courses will not affect the student’s grade point average at Georgetown, although the credits will be accepted in fulfillment of degree requirements.
- Grades will stand as given by the host university.
- All grades given by the host university will appear without quality points on the Georgetown transcript.
- Incomplete grades (N Grades) are to be governed according to the schedule and regulations published in the Georgetown Undergraduate Bulletin.
- Students withdrawing from Consortium courses must follow official procedures of Georgetown University, i.e., completing an add/drop form with the dean, and also notifying the Georgetown University Consortium Coordinator by e-mail to
- Normally, no withdrawals will be permitted after the tenth week of classes in any semester.
Air Force and Navy ROTC
Air Force ROTC is available to students through Howard University and Navy ROTC through George Washington University. Students must register for ROTC courses at semester’s start through Georgetown’s Consortium Coordinator.
Each undergraduate school has its own policy about how these courses apply to their degree requirements.